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Sunroof Question!


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Whatever you do, do a factory correct sun roof and not that dumb pop up, pop down one. My brother had one done from the dealership on his 300 (dealer paid for it so they could get the sale) and his paper work said $1200. Besides that I really don't know too much about it. I know there are shops that specialize in that. Best bet would be to call them up for a quote

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I know there's a shop in la that does them for like $800. This are getting pretty common for all chevy trucks here in Vegas,local price here is 700 installed. Hope u can find a good deal!

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idk a ton about sunroofs, i'm just gonna try and repeat what a guy at a local truck meet told me a couple months ago. i asked him if i should be worried about my sunroof leaking, for i heard that is a common problem with them. he said not at all, the factory sun roofs have a drainage system that runs off the roof and down the door pillars and out the truck. so even if water does get in, it is routed back outside anyway.


he also said you can get a regular sunroof installed for like $5-800, but it is cheap because no drain. a real, quality sunroof with the drain will be 1k - 1.5k depending on the shop of course. now, i never looked that up, that is just what he told me..so dont take it to the grave with that lol

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