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JOTD: Guns & Station Wagons....

Bad Bowtie

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This is a story... about the old days... :D


One of my grandparents and a friend worked in construction. Grandpa had owned his own company for a long time and they were driving out of the mountains from a site one day in a station wagon (I believe I had heard it was a mid- '50s Ford). Driving along, getting later into dusk, they see a full-grown deer just off the road out in a field. Being good old boys they saw this as an opportunity and pulled off. There were two weapons available to them in the back of the station wagon, a .22 rifle and a hatchet. Grandpa took the .22 and put a shot on the neck. Nothing fatal, but, enough to slow the deer down. Gil, his friend, noticing the deer not dead, grabs the hatchet and turns to Grandpa and says, "I'm gonna' get that motherf*cker." Now, remember, this is late in the evening and getting fairly dark. Cars are silhouettes and headlights, blah blah. Anyway, Gil just sprints full speed at the deer who is too wounded to do anything at this point. Bad part was, Gil couldn't see the barb-wire fence right in front of him. WHAM! Down goes Gil. And a moment later he gets right back up and continues after the deer and "subdues" it with a hatchet. They drug it back to the car and brought it home. I'm told the station wagon never did smell the same after that, but, hey, they probably had dinners for a week each and a tidy sum to take to the butcher for profit.

Try doing that these days and see what happens.

Oh, and to this day, Gil still has scars around his midsection from running into the barb-wire fence!!!

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