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Anyone here lift?


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Anybody on here lift? If so, post up what you're doing/ and goals.


I started lifting seriously back in January. Started off at 5'11 195 with pretty decent gut, now I'm sitting at 180 and all my lifts have gone up over 100lbs from when I started. Currently trying to get my diet perfect so I can hopefully cut up for next summer.


Previous lifting stats January: bench 155, deadlift 275, squat 250.


Current lifting stats September: bench 305, deadlift 475, squat 315x5. Not to bad for 9 months of training.

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X3 on thinking you were talking about lifting a SSS. I was thinking oh no not another one of these thread'.s


As for lifting weights no. Something I have thought about but have never found the time to do so. I lift heavy vehicle parts does that count Lol.

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Lol no. Maybe a mod can edit the title to make it more clear.


And mike, right now I am walking 3 miles after working out. Feel the best I ever have! And yeah I get more attention from the ladies! Makes it hard on an old married man haha.

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I've lifted since high school. I'm 5'9 and was 135lbs. I got up to 175 then shredded down to 155. Now I'm at a pretty steady 165 with goal of 180 with a 300lb bench. Right now by bench is 275lbs. My diet is what is killing me right now. It's supposed to be 70% diet and 30% gym. I have it backwards doing 70% gym and 30% diet. With 2 full time jobs, a house and a kid on the way it's hard to make time for diet. I usually do pyramid sets (10, 8, 6, 6). Now I'm trying something a little different and doing 8 sets of 3 with a lot heavier weight.

Edited by Silverado777 (see edit history)
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^ yeah dude. My diet has been spot on since I started. It really is the most important thing. I have never been shredded, but had my top two abs showing and all my gains stopped, so I upped the cals and carbs. Abs went away but still nowhere near the big gut I had before.

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I used to I guess you'd say "lift" I worked out for years from 03-December 2010 and then stopped lol. Got sick of it, the stink, the people and always being sore plus the cost of food. I was eating meal after meal, got expensive haha. I'm 6'1" and was 255 lbs at my prime. Once I stopped working out I changed my diet and have remained about the same weight. 250-260 but of course lost the definition. Never liked bench. I was a free weight type. 100 lbers were the most I could ever lift each arm for incline and reg. bench.

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I got all my lifting out of the way when I was in High School. 12 years ago before my Senior Year I shattered my ankle and I have not lifted since.


In my prime I was training to play college football (small college) but I was a little small at 5' 9 1/2" 210lbs. My Max bench was 290 (probably could have hit 300 if I would not have stopped). I still hold records at my high school in my weight class for dead lift (750lbs) and squat (600 lbs).


I woud love to get back down to 210, but I really dont plann on doing much lifting ever again. Maybe small weights just to keep my strength up since I have already lost so much.

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I go to the gym at least 5 days a week I'm 5"10 and and steady 180. Not a big bench press guy I use to in school a long time ago. Right now I'm trying to build on my legs. I love curling and working back n shoulders. I straight bar curl 115 6 times the proper way no swinging lol. Trying to get my diet under control. Currently I take protien 2 to 3 times a day and creatine, casein at nite bcaa and glutamine. Lots of hard work.

Edited by JC03SS (see edit history)
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