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Grudge race me vs 6.2 150 shot


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I don't think anyone is specifically against you, but against your comments of people using nitrous. It's the way it is, some people's setup is stock on nitrous, should they call you a girl and say go take put your cam and let's race stock them cam vs bottle? That's stupid!!! Racing is one thing and what your describing is something else lol idk about lol

Anyways I'm out lol

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What it is, is that you can spray without anyone knowing and act like you don't even have spray. Thats how people are majority of the time with nitrous. Lol those are your true colors? So be it.

not to take sides but did you read the rule book of racing I thinking spraying is allowed. I'd say if you race that guy again you better get some spray and don't spray early junior. RACING is a whos getting to the finish line first sport with whatever the driver of each ride is running I mean if he had a rocket strapped to the bed of his pickup that's not fair but that's not the case.
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A race is a race. Ill race whatever a motorcycle a bicycle a train i don't care. I may win a may lose but I'm not gonna get butt hurt. You won so what's wrong here? I got sprayed by an SRT8 jeep at the track he didn't tell me he sprayed me with a 125 shot but hay it's all good.

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There are no rules in racing. The only thing that shapes racing is the people you race with. Some can be "shady". That is my whole point here. Like I said, if you spray hey let it be done. Lol if those are your colors. Anybody can throw on a bottle and spray a 125 shot behind your back. Maybe if they said my setup heads cam intake 125 shot then I'll be like alright. I am considering spraying myself but I won't be "shady" about it. Just about every person that sprays around here hides it like they don't spray shit.

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A race is a race. Ill race whatever a motorcycle a bicycle a train i don't care. I may win a may lose but I'm not gonna get butt hurt. You won so what's wrong here? I got sprayed by an SRT8 jeep at the track he didn't tell me he sprayed me with a 125 shot but hay it's all good.


Agreed on racing anything. If I think Grandma is deep-staging me in her Kia Sedona she's getting her sh*t pushed in. With that said, everyone has their opinions, I'm going to shut this down as several have requested before it becomes un-amusing.

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