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RIP Paul Walker


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So tonight I learned that one of my favorite actors passed away in a car crash. Paul Walker was riding with a friend close to Six Flags in Valencia, CA in a Porche when they ran into tree (I think it was a tree) and the car burst into flames. His friend was the one driving. My prayers go out to his family and loved ones. Rest In Peace Paul....you will be missed very much. Fast and Furious will never be the same and will always be tough to watch now.

Edited by SSilverBeast (see edit history)
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I feel bad for both involved in the accident. I watched a YouTube video of people taking pictures and videos right after it happened. None of them were willing to try and pull them from the car. They even discussed the fact there were people still in the car as it was burning, It was very frustrating to watch. Had it been a "no body" just regular person it would have been equally hard to watch. I'm not a hero by any means but I have been around emergency situations and I couldn't just stand there. I had to help. Needless to say I hope if I am ever in that situation people will help instead of watch and take pictures. My prayers are with the driver and Paul walkers families.

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Yeah ... Saw that this morning on the news ... It is unfortunate ...


Yes he hit a tree, but the tree they show in the video clip is fairly small (large trees do causle fenominal amount of damage). I doubt that this tree was the mitigating factor in the crash. In some clips you see a street light pole with a speed limit sign, laying on the ground. I bet that was struck first, before the tree, causing the initial damage. I would also bet that this is a secondary accident scene, as there maybe a spot further back on the roadway that would have an initial crash scene, or point at which control was lost ...

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Yeah ... Saw that this morning on the news ... It is unfortunate ...


Yes he hit a tree, but the tree they show in the video clip is fairly small (large trees do causle fenominal amount of damage). I doubt that this tree was the mitigating factor in the crash. In some clips you see a street light pole with a speed limit sign, laying on the ground. I bet that was struck first, before the tree, causing the initial damage. I would also bet that this is a secondary accident scene, as there maybe a spot further back on the roadway that would have an initial crash scene, or point at which control was lost ...

I agree with stitches! Also car was cut in half and I'm sure a ficas would not cause that. Very sad indeed. And very shocking.
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I feel bad for both involved in the accident. I watched a YouTube video of people taking pictures and videos right after it happened. None of them were willing to try and pull them from the car. They even discussed the fact there were people still in the car as it was burning, It was very frustrating to watch. Had it been a "no body" just regular person it would have been equally hard to watch. I'm not a hero by any means but I have been around emergency situations and I couldn't just stand there. I had to help. Needless to say I hope if I am ever in that situation people will help instead of watch and take pictures. My prayers are with the driver and Paul walkers families.

With the fire that was involved right after the crash there would have been nothng anyone could have done. It was already to late as they most likely died on impact.

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With the fire that was involved right after the crash there would have been nothng anyone could have done. It was already to late as they most likely died on impact.


That may be true, but I'm not a doctor and sure as hell would try regardless. RIP Paul Walker, truly will be missed by this guy... I've loved and enjoyed everything I've ever seen him in.

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I get that if you can't save a person you can't save them. However being a gold miner that works in remote locations I've had that mentality that if I see something happen or come on scene I may be the only thing that saves or rescues that injured person. I'm not at all saying he would be alive had someone pulled him out. From the looks of the car they had to cut them out of the car. The video I uploaded to my FB really bothered me that's all.

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