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crazy gauges and parasitic draw


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Gauges doing crazy crap along with the doors constantly locking and unlocking while driving. Gear cursor takes a few of second's before showing up under proper gear. Changed out cluster with a spare one, same issues. Current draw of 1.4 drops to .01 after 20 seconds with a dead battery every morning. Radio out, after market amps disconnected. Rest is all stock except for E fans and a tune. Thoughts? Thanks in advance

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There are grounds all over. lol There are some behind and under the dash for the cluster. You will have to trace back wires from behind the cluster to find the grounds as im not sure exactly where they are. Or you could have a short. That willbe a little more difficult to find as you have to go thru each wire checking where the power might stop, and then replace it.

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Hi, your guage problem has to do with these little whats called motors. Mine was doing that speedo temp, oil pressure and such. I found out the cluster needed to be rebuilt with new motors. What I found on E Bay a place in Glendale, Az. GM guage Guys, (WWW.GMGuageGuy.com) I talked to a Mike there I pulled the guage cluster (very easy) about 8 minutes to take out. I boxed with good padding not to damage in anyway sent to them and had it back with in 10 days. Also they upgraded all the guage lights to LEDS in any color you like. Hope that helps

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