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WSOP Monster stack tourney


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I just entered the almost sold out monster stack tourney. at the WSOP. When I signed up there was almost 7000 entrants with a prize pool of almost 10 mill.!! This means 1st place will take home well over 1 mill. and the final table players will make 6 figures!


The tournament started at noon but so many people entered they had to add 4 more "flights" of players. I got in on the last flight which starts at 9:40pm Vegas time


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Lucky Bastard! Should be a lot of fun! I play lots of online poker and attend poker nights on the weekends... But I am far from being good enough to compete. I assume you're going to compete and not to watch? Let us know when you win the pot! :fingersx:

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Yes, I posted a copy of my buy in ticket. I'll be sitting down to play here in a few mins. Place is totally packed!


I'm not the best poker player by far, but I do play cash games pretty often and hell, it's like buying a lottery ticket with MUCH better odds!

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Thanks Jason. Made it into day 2 with a short stack! We played till 3:30 am and resume play today at 3:00 pm. I forgot to look at the tournament screen before I left so I'm not sure how many players are still left, but they did announce that first place would take home $1,300,000.00 and players who make the final table would be guaranteed at least $100,000.00.


Here's a link to the payout page :mellow:


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