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wolf here.and i'm confused.I read just about every thread in here on cold air intakes and with all the ????????? on which one to buy is confusing the blank out of me.it is cold up here in ma.and peerfect for an intake tryout.i have just an exhaust on my truck,It goes but it needs to breathe more. I want the volant but when i read the thread on an isssue i was bummed out.People paid good money for a volant to lose power,that sucks :banghead: .When are they making one just for our trucks.I read up in here on one but never heard again. winter is coming and cold air is here now. help me choose the right one guys thanks wolf

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I still dispute the fact that Volant was causing power loss on NA trucks... on FI is probably true. I have the Volant the scoop and I noticed a substantial gain in throttle response and top end seems much more smooth... the stock intake seemed to choke out arount 85-90mph IMO


Just my $.02, but I think the Volant is still a good system.

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