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Chicagoland R/T wants to race a SS


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Lets see here :banghead: and :banghead: and :confused: this thread is going nowhere :puke: This kid is a piece of sh!t, I think the pimple cream, mama's tit milk, and all the jacking off this kid does in his apron has really got to go from this site :mad: No matter what you offer to the plate this bitch boy is going to ignore, argue, or flat PUSS OUT!!!!!! Hey Rich take your :spam: somewhere else :seeya:

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Alright, listen guys.


Stop the inappropiate language!! As much as he may be full of it, I have yet to see him use any of the language that the SS owners have been.


In case you haven't read every post, there has been mention of things on a donkey, using glass phallus devices, molestation, etc... That's just where I stopped. Anyone does it beyond my post and you'll automatically sign yourself up for a 5-day post restriction. Posting pics with some of the same words will count also. But, I am okay with the use of *&%#, instead of the actual words. Lets not make it sexual though.


I don't disagree with most of you, but if you need help in your vocabulary to say what you want to say without crossing the line, then don't post.

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Alright, listen guys. 


Stop the inappropiate language!!  As much as he may be full of it, I have yet to see him use any of the language that the SS owners have been. 


In case you haven't read every post, there has been mention of things on a donkey, using glass phallus devices, molestation, etc...  That's just where I stopped.  Anyone does it beyond my post and you'll automatically sign yourself up for a 5-day post restriction.  Posting pics with some of the same words will count also.  But, I am okay with the use of *&%#, instead of the actual words.  Lets not make it sexual though.


I don't disagree with most of you, but if you need help in your vocabulary to say what you want to say without crossing the line, then don't post.

thank you sir.all I asked was for a simple race,never put down Chevy until everyone blew up on dodge

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this whole post is stupid.  I will make this simple, I live in

St. Louis MO.  If you are willing to meet me half way I will run you.

Right now I currently have CAI, Exhaust, ported TB, and NOS.  If your truck

really runs 13's then I will use the bottle.  I do not believe it does, so we are basically equilavent in mods.  Actually, now that I think about it, whoever wins pays for the others gas there and back.  Fair enough???




you need NOS I thought all of you said a stock SS can beat me ,make up your minds,your mods are similar to mine except for the pcm and intake,deal sounds good on the gas,but depending on where we could do this is the thing,let me know

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thank you sir.all I asked was for a simple race,never put down Chevy until everyone blew up on dodge


....piston slap anyone....

of course I said that,who started it though,exactly




Not to be a smarta$$, but go back and look at post #26........

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Forgive us for being skeptical Rich... but you ghosted the first time so if someones gonna make a trip to race you thier gonna need some type of assurance you'll actually be there.

just waiting for someone to give a time and place,i'll meet em halfway but that seems to be a big deal for them,a camera would also be a neccesity

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rich, just go away! if you really wanted to race you'd stop playing these dumb ASS mind games with yourself. Why do you keep saying no one has accepted, maybe you are just ignorant. If you seriously didnt see anyone accept your challenge you are just a plain JACKASS!


Benkey, Ban me if you want, this is just BS, lock this dumbass thread, he is not racing anyone!

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