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Posts posted by 04blacksss

  1. i was commin back from pickin up my buddy. and we come to a stop light and a black tbss turned into my lane ahed of me so when the light turned green i punched it to catch up. we get to the next light and there are no cars infront always a good sign.. we both punch it and im about 1/2 car length on him till about 50 and he pulled right by me till about 80-90 we stopped and he was about 2 truck lengths in front ... im mostly stock except CAI exhaust soo im guessin he was modded a bit or just they might be that much faster than the sss,..

  2. i was going to try and trade my stock tailgate for a shaved one and mayb pay a little on top of it.. and as for the BSER roll pan i cant afford it till i sell my stock bumper. im only a 19 year old with a part time job and a ss so all the money i get goes to the car payment

    i have both lol. the roll pan will be here within a week and a half or so, and the tailgate can be done by then as well. howd you wanna pay?
  3. mine is a 04 bought it 2 years ago with 15k miles for 28,000 otd. i love my truck but sadly it is for sale due to me spending every dollar i ever get on it which makes me very poor with a nice truck hmmm..








  4. i have the same problem dude and i know what it is! cops hate blacked out cars.. they figure if they dont get u for speeding they will get u for tint smoked lights ext.. my girlfriends dad is a chp officer and thats wut he told me cops go for blacked out cars rather than a normal car

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