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Everything posted by eddieo818

  1. Thanks! Well the cladding is done everything on the truck is besides the GO... but its been raining out here so i still havent had a chance to get um.
  2. X2!!! dude my reg. fees went up 100bones from last year and mine is a reg cab!
  3. Is it a 6cd changer ????? Dude i have one of those sitting at home and never thought of putting it on! although i love my 6cd stock cd player.
  4. Hey Frankie I'm good man! Thanks I finally finished her a few months ago just gotta get her painted to get that two-tone look in. I will post up pics later. I also got lq9 sitting in my garage waiting for my warranty to expire (2yrs).....
  5. Well i have a few cladding pieces for sale that i need to get outta the garage! here they are... passenger side bed piece before the wheel. im asking 95+ship obo i have 2 red tailgate spoiler wings 65 each obo and 1 lower tailgate piece for 45+ship. Thank you.
  6. just got my first real look at one last night at the verizon store my GF wants one for her bday so i went to check um out.... im must not bad at all touch screen is pretty good compared to the storm... might get 1 myself.
  7. in order to do the 06 front end mod you have to switch the ood and grille.
  8. looks fuggin sweet! what drop are you running?
  9. okay guys im stuck here and i need your help. im am in the middle of installing my amp but i just cant fiqure out where to grab my remote wire from if you guys can just point me in the right direction. Thanks BTW i have a 05 reg cab.
  10. move it back as far as you can because with the heat it can expand and fender+door cladding equals disaster!!
  11. WOW now thats a beast!!!
  12. Nice kill! damn yotas think they got something on us....
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