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Posts posted by mungman

  1. we spend millions trying to keep mary jane out of the united states.....when we could legalize it.....tax it....and use that money to get rid of serious drugs.....METH being the main drug....since it seems to be taking over the world......JMO





    can't say i'm innocent of this one...


    but i will say this: my thinking is that the only reason it is not legal is because the government hasn't figured out yet how to control the production, import, and distribution of it and tax the crap out of it...


    my two cents...


    they could always just buy it from BC :D . the only way they would be able to control it is if they had the best there is available. i don't smoke anymore but i did when i was younger. mariJ is no way a gateway drug. i never did crack or anything like that. if anything.....i was a little better at shooting games lol.

  2. Nice lookin Avalanch you got there :cheers: I love those front ends..........wish GM would have used them on the trucks :banghead: Is it possible to bolt that front end on a truck?


    i will do some diggin around on monday for you and see if ican get an answer. it is very possible


    I had the same problem, my ex-gf was 5'1" and she wanted me to put running boards on the SSS........no way :nono:

    I solved that problem, went to Lowe's and bought a $5 Rubbermade plastic stool :P


    ui guess that is why she is your ex now :jester:

  3. really sorry for this to happen you man. i had a similar situation with the troubles with you and your mom but i handled it not in the best way. although my mom was a single mother of 3(at the time) but she went out with this guy who would be al nicey nice with you in front of your face but behind your back he would say all the total opposite of what he just said to you. well he started brain washing my mom into his believes and ways of HIS family and one day he didn't like somthing i did. i was angry at the time and he wanted to fight me. now given he was 40ish and i was 18 at the time and he has old-man-strenth on his side but i had it with him and his crap. we swong at eachother and i landed a couple body shots and walked away. but since that day he has respected me and my family alot more and my mom has seen him for who he really is. right now they are only together cause they had a kid. i am not saying that violence is going to solve it but you should talk to your mom. blood is thicker then water and no matter what happens between your mom and dad you should always have a good relationship with both. would anyone throw away a 20 year relationship for someone else who just came on the scene? i doubt it. and as xlr83sxs and brad said before the truck is material and can be replaced. sorry but i don't know much about insurance so i can't give you advice on that. i hope this helps you. KEEP YOUR CHIN UP AND HEAD HELD HIGH.

  4. obviously he hasn't thought that one through cause no matter how much oxygen you can get from left over vapours you will never get enough. it is a chemical reaction that is happening in the cylinders which is why it happens in the first place. thinking about all this has re-kindel my idea on a turbo system. maybe i can pitch it to you guys and see what you think.


    it is based on the bernulli theory that in a small area a mass of air travels faster than that same mass in a larger area. so if the air traveling in the smaller tube is moving quickly would the proposed fan force the air in the larger area to move quicker creating a vaccuum and therefore moving the fan quicker forcing more air into the intake manifold? please let me hear your thoughts. if it stupid then so be it. sorry if i jacked your thread dave.i hope you don't kick my ass :D. TIA.

  5. In that case you just BS enough to where people think you know what your talking about :thumbs:



    lemme give it try here......


    so the other day i was changing the headlight fluid in my 2004 chevelle when i heard a loud bang. i walked around the back to see what happened and i saw 4 muffler bearings fall out of my o-pipe. i had to call the dealer to get them ordered up. bastards charged me $100 each. oh well. you gotta do what you gotta do. so i got the parts saturday and they sell me som elbow grease. man they are getting annoying. any ways sorry for the long rant. all this cause of blinker fluid and hollow spark plug wires. damn that guaranteed 25 horse.

  6. i have that interior vibration too (i think). mine is the trim panel vibrating near the front of it. i slid my hand between the dash and the drim panel. if that makes it go away then i would put some foam tape there....maybe that would make it go away.

  7. 2. The oddly loud door chime that I wish I could turn off.


    3. The fact that I can't figure out how to remove my airbags.



    i believe that there was a thread on how to turn it off on a stock h/u. i think that you have to press "6" then press and hold "6"


    i am sure i can figure out how to remove the air bags if you want. like take them out correct? i am pretty sure you can't take the cover off the one on the column but the passenger side i think you can unbolt it but it looks like the same deal as the column that you can't take the cover off. i will have a look out in the yard when i get some time.

  8. i wish i could give you some insight but i can't remember what happened with my 93 nx when it was dong that. i did everything you did. i put some lucas in it though. about 4 months after i had it the clutch went then i blew the motor. i think that was from the octane booster i put in it. it could be the vacuum line. sorry if i didn't help much.

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