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Posts posted by BlkTbSS07

  1. Thanks guys, I went to the dealer to get some of my stuff, the REP was down there, said I will either be put in a 08 Tb SS, or they will buy me out. Im hoping they will buy me out, not to sure i want another TB SS after this happened, but i will see. GM should be calling me any minute now, ill see what goes on with that convo. And no, when i tapped the breaks, the breaks didn't respond at all, and i didnt think of putting it into N, or using the E-brakes..To much panic...Anyway, i took a few items out of the SS, Like factory Nav disc if any needs it..


    More updates will follow..


    Not sure if I said this, but the front axle is bent, and the frame is bent, the dealer told me this today, so i will def not be getting this back.

  2. MAN, that must have been one scary ride, not having control of your vehicle or not ebing able to stop it would be the worst feeling in the world I bet. So did you make it out ok or were you injured, if you were uninjured, you should consider yourself VERY lucky. You could have died or been seriously injured and be thankful that you were the only one in the vehicle and nobody else got hurt. Like stated prior, that should be a lawsuit for sure. Good luck with everything man


    It all denepnds on what GM is going to do..if they dont meet demands, then yea, they will be sued...And i did have a passenger in the SS...Both of us were not hurt in anyway, I do feel very lucky, becuase if i hopped the tracks completly i would have rolld probly 3-5 times down a big hill into a TON of traffic

  3. So let me start off from the start, about 2 weeks ago my SS went into the dealer to be fixed becuase, 1, when you gave it gas, nothing would happen, 2, the cluster lights go on and off, 3, it stalls. So i bring it in, and they cant fix it, or find whats going on, all they get is a bunch of codes with there Tech2, so they do nothing, and its been in the dealer over 4 times in 3 weeks. So today, im driving, i give it gas, nothing happens, give it a little bit of gas, the truck takes off like a freaking rocket, So now i lost control, i let off the gas, its still going, i hit the brakes, nothing. So now that i lost control, the truck is fishtailing everywhere, is goes up a hill, jumps a set of railroad tracks, comes back down, and side swips a telephone poll, my whole side is smashed in, all my rims or compelty shot.









    Sucks dont it..


    GM is coming down tomrrow to take a look at it, it has already been leamon lawed, my delaer said most likey, since this has been an on going issue, they will just give us our down payment back, and all the payment we made on it.


    Oh, and by the way, Onstar is HORRIBLE!!


    i called them, and i need a tow truck, #1 they got my location wrong, #2, the tow truck never came, ,i called back and was like wtf, where is he, and they told me i canceled, it..so they send a another 1

  4. I wanted one BEFORE..I repeat..BEFORE I even saw the TBSS. Nice try, buck. :D


    **** (11:46:20 PM):I wanna trade my SS in for a SRT8

    **** (11:46:16 PM):Nooo

    **** (11:46:30 PM):yea

    ****(11:46:24 PM):No!

    ****(11:46:30 PM):I wont talk to anymore then

    **** (11:46:44 PM):fine

    ****(11:46:42 PM):Ok, good

    **** (11:49:12 PM):I thought u loved your SS? but I guess I thought wrong...

    **** (11:49:56 PM):it's not new anymore...it doesnt have bucket seats

    **** (11:50:01 PM):it doesnt have center dual


    green font is her, red font is me


    Oh, shiiiiit. wut now!...lol :driving:



  5. John, you should just be banned for even THINKING about buying a Jeep/Chrysler! :crackup:





    John wants a vette now since the SRT-8 is outta the question. Well...at least you are sticking with GM, but I'm tellin' ya GET THE TBSS! Cause if you don't get a SS, then you can't hang with us at meets anymore. :shakehead:


    :crackup: J to the K


    Oh paaalease, you want an Srt8 also..dont play those games with me ;)

  6. Ashley told us you were at the Dodge dealer, an SRT-8? throwup.gif


    You think you are having electrical problems with the TBSS, wait 'til you buy a Chrysler product. :shakehead:


    Use the lemon law to your advantage, a new TBSS could be coming your way, good luck :chevy:


    lolz, well ill see what they say, if anything a new 07 White 3SS, i dont want an 08..lol

  7. What is going on with it.......... keeps on shorting out..........Ashly was saying the SS shut off now alot , that is not good at all ............ hope things work out 4 u


    Yea, i dunno, they think there is a short somewhere, but they cant find it, they replaced the cluster, didnt work, new igntition switch, didnt work..but yea, now it stalls out sometimes...we'll see tho

  8. Thx, But yea there wasnt any body damage, thank god. there is just 4-6 deep scratches in the hood, the cowl by the wiper blades are all scratched up, and the roof has a few minor scratches, but this sucks the meet is coming up, and the SS has scratches, talk about perfect timing!

  9. just my ****ing luck, its storming really bad out rite now, winds lighting, thunder, the works..well anyway, im 25 sec from home and the wheather is really bad, so i make a turn on to my block, and just my ****ing luck an big thick branch fell right on to my hood rolled up the windshield and down the roof, just my ****ing luck, so i pull into my driveway, park the truck, now i cant look cuz it rain so bad u cant see 2 feet in front of you, i walk in the door, and i hear crackkkk, a huge ass tree branch falls right behind my SS, so i have no clue if the back got it..but **** shity ass luck

  10. a Black Intimidator SSS in Tenafly, New Jersey, at around 4ish i think, i passed u in my TbSS, but i didnt notice u untill you were in my rearview mirror...I forget the steetname but it was the same road Charlie browns is on..any 1 here???

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