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Everything posted by JSTAL

  1. alan you hit it on the head man
  2. wow.... you know you have never had one damn nice thing to say to me ever. how about you reread it then move on to the next thread. Or you can continue and prove my point
  3. you forgot to mention drove to wichita to swap a tranny and verter beat the hell out of a y pipe then return home in one evening lol.
  4. brad im am still laughing at the truth told here. amen brother. now pass the offering plate
  5. welcome back i sold the blower to niko and im doing building twins
  6. niko im not pointing any fingers. You're my boy blue you're my boy
  7. i did put thought in that statement. I didnt say i didnt like you i said we dont always see eye to eye.
  8. lol at nate Ok as far as getting along with people This site is nation wide. It has many different walks of life. Southern people like danny and myself tend to be more laid back. We also take alot of pride in what we have and what we do. WE are extremely blunt and dont have time for the bs in life. We dont usually see eye to eye with people that are from the newyork area or california area. Mainly because they are more liberal in their way of life and in there thinking. They dont like us because they consider us rednecks or cowboys. Dave is actually one of the only cali people that i know that should have been born in texas lol. So really you got to find a happy medium to get along. We should just all remember it is the Bowtie that binds us. Also we dont take kindly to thin skin around here
  9. awwwweeeeeeeee thanks danny ill eat a extra piece of pizza for you
  10. forged like that 408 me and you are gonna build
  11. do you always start shit on here mel wtf.. IF it were not for you i would not have what i got now you have been more than a friend to me and a great help to my projects thanks dan. Mel if you dont like something then just leave it be . dont be the drama queen.
  12. bahhhh ahahahahahahahahahahah thats funny
  13. you just restated what i said and if you have been working on these motors for 10 years then you would have some pride in your work. Im a do it your self guy as well i have never had a shop do one thing on my truck. Its been me or me and danny. I was nice in my response next time ill just say that looks like cobbled shit and no one on this site would even think of doing that to their nice SS.
  14. i called them they no longer offer the 14 bolt conversion FYI
  15. looks good man even though i hate the idiot that did a group buy on these ISS spoilers Basically SPOILED a rare look
  16. post pics of that power plant buyer may think it a RS with Z badges good luck with the sale
  17. some one should smack the shit out of you
  18. holy back from the dead thread when i move to texas ill need one
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