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Posts posted by TexaSS

  1. This definitely isn't a gun control issue, but it is just a crazy person issue. I can't wait until the media and the sick politicians start trying to blame this on everything that they can. Just like John Thompson was already on Fox News before we even knew who the shooter was saying it was due to violent video games. I guess people like Hitler and Stalin must had played a few too many rounds of Grand Theft Auto themselves.


    If you want to live in a free society, then these are some of the risks that you have to take. It doesn't matter what kind of laws were in place, a crazy person like this is going to kill people if you want to. Gun laws will only affect the law abiding citizens, not the criminals and psychopaths. Our free society is going down the shitter, and I really don't want to imagine what kind of world that my children (if I have any) will be living in.

  2. yes, what a scary and sad situation this is. condolences to the friends and family of those lost today.


    An even scarier aspect of this is that it could cause a string of "copy cats" like these type of things tend to do.

  3. I really think that 22s are about as big as you should go on these trucks. 24s are definitely too big. Actually I think rims that big only look good on SUVs or maybe a show truck that has been slammed to the ground.

  4. While I was in South Padre during spring break, Geico had areas set up on the beach with Xbox 360s and all kinds of stuff. They were giving out t-shirts and coozies with the caveman's face and on the back they say "so easy a caveman can do it".


    Definitely my new favorite shirt.

  5. Definitely one of my favorite shows. I think the only other shows I like more are Lost and Arrested Development (which sadly no longer comes on, it was probably the funniest show ever)


    The Wire is one of those "smarter" shows as they say. I have read that the reason it didn't get any love from any of the awards shows was because it is "too complicated." Good show

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