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Posts posted by wishminewasanss

  1. THANX for the PM rob! I would be down for anywhere this meet goes to! I really had fun at the last one in April. I can't really suggest any places but somebody said a cruise down Victoria gardens, that would be cool. I don't have an Sss but iam IN!!!!!!!! P.S. Somewhere were there's a bunch of parking!lol..

  2. Well I felt it and by far I had the worst story! I work at a tire shop, and we were working on a truck we had it on the lift, this ****en truck was rockin back and forth. I thought that truck was going down!!! So we felt it and ran outside the bays and rode it outside. No damaged done but some truck tires we had up on steel fell down, good thing nobody was hurt. Call me crazy but I still wouldn't live nowhere else!lol...

  3. My pops had actually a few about 2yrs ago, he was in so much pain he was kneeling and laying on the floor all day. He went to the emergency room and also received vicodin and he would get rid of the pain but in like 2hrs it would comeback! So the doc gave him a choice: blast them, or stick one of those catethers, surgery(very rare in kidney stones) or just plain and simple JUST PASS IT!!!!!! So the next morning he is literally yelling and screaming his lungs out passing the stone(s)! He described the pain as when....well it can't be described. He is now taking a pill called "irucit k" its supposed 2 balance out his electrolytes to prevent kidney stones in the future. It is said that kidney stones are the way a man feels the excruitiating pain of giving birth. Well sort of... I hate kidney stones!!! Sorry 4 long post.lol..

  4. Well I fixed my window today, it cost me 80 bucks. New window, looks stupid though cause my driver side window is tinted and my pass is not! I just have 2 wait to get over my fixit ticket for my tint b4 I go get my tint re-done. But it is fixed. Hey CES63SS I went 2 fix it down alameda blvd between Florence and nadeu. Thanx anyways dude! You live close 2 this area?? Thanx!

  5. Well 2night iam leaving with my buddys out of the theater, and we walk up 2 my truck and my buddy says I think your truck looks funny? So as he walk up 2 my passenger side door he sees my window shattered. So he calls me over and I see my ****en window broken!!!!man was I pissed off! I open my center console and search and go through my stuff but nothing is missing(digicamera, sunglasses, CDs, and other stuff) thank god! So these ****ers didnot take anything but now I have a passenger side window to fix. Anyone in socal know were I can get similar glass replacement as stock, 4 cheap? Thanx!

  6. Sorry to hear this dude, this happend to my sis a couple of months ago. They broke in 2 her tahoe at a mall parking lot, broke her driver door lock, took her pescribed sunglasses, but the most important thing these ****ers took her backseats! She made a police report and filed a claim with her insurance, she paid only a 300 dollar deductible and got new seats. Its just a total PITA!!!!!!! Sorry 4 the long post....

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