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Everything posted by 8hnpSS

  1. Yeah I know but it's hard to find a cold spot to put all of those cases + the other 7 more that my friend's have. Were just going to dump most of those into a cooler filled with ice like an hour before.
  2. Hey guy's I wish I could make it down but I will be busy that whole weekend down in Wildwood. Let me know how it turns out . This is my weekend http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/Ni.../Picture014.jpg
  3. I'm speechless. I'm so sorry to hear about that. It was such a nice truck and to see it burn must of hurt so much.
  4. Italian Valium, Vodka and Ameretto. I say I'm down. I got a kick out of the "Bend over" lol.
  5. 8hnpSS

    Best Tuners

    I say go with Charlie Wheatley. He's a real good guy to deal with, great tune, great service, what more is there to ask for? Wheatley has my vote.
  6. Keep an eye on your trans, fuel gauge, speedometer, and bank account balance because they all tend to go fast.
  7. Wow that really sucks man. I used to have a fake from Maine but I somehow lost it. After reading that I'm kinda glad it's lost, even tho I'm not getting any scholorship's I still would hate to have charges pressed on me for having it.
  8. The last one was the best. "Get out!, Get out!" ahhahahahaah.
  9. Today I ordered a set of Perelli Scorpions ATR from tirerack. I've heard alot of good things about them and personally I don't think they look that bad.
  10. That's true but I doubt hes the owner. And if he is I would have just made a big scene.
  11. That's a load of bs. I would have just drove rite past him and parked.
  12. I will check it out, thank's for the help.
  13. Yea I kinda figured. You know where I could get a bigger one? The fluid levels are fine it just heats up way to fast. From my house to school which is 2.5 miles away it went up to 172. When I left my house it was like 148 and I drove normal, kept rpms lower than 2500. Any suggestions on a bigger trans cooler and where to get it would help alot.
  14. Shit yesterday my trans hit 205... It was like 102 out yesterday but that's still high. It ALWAYS hangs Around 180 normal driving.
  15. No joke it takes about 20 seconds each light. You don't have to switch the bottom ones because your headlights are on the top.
  16. WOW I want one! Those things look so sick.
  17. Oh I do, I keep my old headlights under my back seat and I just switch them out when it starts getting dark. Today I paid the ticket I got last week for my tail lights. Costed me 54$ and I know I'll be getting more of them now.
  18. Got my new headlights from Michael (pimpss) and they look great. Can't wait till the local cops see these now . For those who havn't seen these either :
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