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Everything posted by 8hnpSS

  1. Seeing that actually made me get depressed because it's so true it's amazing.
  2. Your LED's look sick. Hows the visibility with those, any better?
  3. Ahahaha yea I know the cops will have a field day with me. But I'm more worried about the stupid NJ drivers having a field day on my rear end thats why I am going to get a line of fire.
  4. Well I was never sure how they were at night I just assumed. I only had them on for 1 night. I guess I figured wrong lol, yea I am looking into a line of fire. Probably going to order it really soon because I don't want to get rear ended.
  5. It's kinda the other way around. They are really really bad during the day but at night you can see them pretty well. I'm not really worried about getting tickets, I'm more worried about getting rear ended and I am looking into the LED bar.
  6. I bought pimp ss's old tail lights and man do they look sharp. My only concern is that they might be a bit dark but thats something I'm going to deal with in time. Here they are: http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/Ni...=Picture002.jpg http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/Ni...=Picture006.jpg http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/Ni...=Picture003.jpg http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/Ni...=Picture004.jpg
  7. WTF!!!! You have to be kidding me. Atleast I didnt take off work yet. Dan I dont think the weather likes you.
  8. This is the reason I dont let my gas tank go below half. Half tank around here costs around 37$.
  9. That rite there shows the mentality of people. They are afraid to walk over a wet floor but then they hang off the edge of water falls.
  10. This was not my first truck. Before this I had a 99 gmc yukon SLT witch I paid for myself. But after a year of driving it the 30 gallon gas tank started to get to me and the transfer case would have a nice bang when I would go to put it in 2wd. So I sold it and put the money I got from that towards my SS.
  11. Lol nice back seat. Just to let you all know I payed for half of my truck and my parents gave me the rest. And I also pay for everything that involves my truck, gas, insurance, mods, etc and I work 25-30 hours a week so dont think I'm some spoiled little brat spending mommy and daddys money. It was basically an early graduation gift.
  12. 8hnpSS


    Nice fuel gauge lol. Cool vid.
  13. Just thought I'd find out. Doesn't really matter that much to me.
  14. The thought has crossed my mind a few times before but now I just really want to find out. Am I the youngest member on this forum? Rite now im 17 and will be 18 at the end of this month.
  15. red pepper. Jeez I look away for 4 minutes and Dan posts like 20 times.
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