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Posts posted by mike1booth

  1. nota day goes by i dont wish i could still have my "evil regal" but sometime toys like these arent practical, and even if your doing a FULL resto you wont get back 50% of what you put into it, i put 10k into my buick and all i have to show for it is a bronco some kid traded me for it when its 3rd motor was startin to go


    neway... if its been sitting for 3 years and takin up space, you havnt gotten any use out of it, and your still spending money on parts, you gotta make the decision no1 wants to make


    but if you decide to do it and you needa hand let me know, ive been there and back and theres some things a guy CANT do by himself haha

  2. go to court to... theyl atleast cut it in half bc you went, if you make a good case they might do more for you... its ridiclous that the dumbie obviously cant read a registration (its part of their JOB) and if they cant perform their job correctly they need to find something else to do

  3. ya me too... and im pissed because it would have been a good chance to take the truck out before vaca... guna be away from my baby (the truck ofcorse) for over a week... so insted of staying home and waxing i think ill just go for a ride tonight, but if its sunny ill go check it out tomoro neway

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