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Everything posted by 20_blkss_04

  1. hey bro ive been looking for a long time now and no luck...its hard and really sucks not finding anyone who sellls em i might see if i can get them made...
  2. hey guys let me know wen you going i def. wanna go!!
  3. well i have an extra passenger side before tire cladding piece. it def. needs to be repainted to many scratches and dent. i need a cab corner peice for the passenger side and i need some cladding brackets. if you think u might be interested plaese let me know. if you want to buy it i was thinkin 55 bucks....or if your gonna trade we can work sumin out...pm me with anything... thanks frankie
  4. nice job....hopefully all goes good with my motor tranny swap this summer!!
  5. wat r these brackets??? cladding or bumper?
  6. haha me too this guy is good....he even took my info. and wen my other parts come in he'll give me a call!!
  7. oooo i was gonna say dman he was always cool wen i saw him on here!! that sucks though
  8. did the site kick him off??? y did he leave?? i rember his truck i always liked his one-off exhaust setup!!! now it really sounds nice with the cam though
  9. wow guys i just got the drivers side cabcorner for 30 bucks shipped! now i just need rocker brackets and passenger side cab corner!
  10. he never replied to my message??? did he talk to you today??
  11. yea man i just messaged him on the rear cab corners...and rocker and bed brackets.....good find bro!!!
  12. i already tried them and they were crasy priced!!!!! i think it was 125 for one switch....i know ive seen them cheaper....i just bought the passenger side from ead performance for 25 bucks....npw i just need the drivers...
  13. oooo yea i forgot about that!!! motor....i think a supercharger or ls6 intake wud look sweet!!!!
  14. nice bro i cant wait till my cladding goes on!
  15. lucky you man!!! bet that comes in handy!!! dus he ever save spare parts??? i know the three dealerships that i worked at were unbelivable wen they had exttra shit they saved it all the time....chrysler and cadillac....no chevy!!! let me know i apreciate it thanks!
  16. yea i know that rout....but i just saw a couple people put full sets up on other forums for like 70 buks shiped!! so i was thinken of finden a set on here.....the only thing wit them is they wont split em...(i dont need back seat) and they have arm rest slots....i dont have armrests...someone has to have them!!!!
  17. damn!!! i thought my 80k was bad!!! thats good though....now you got a good ecuse to pull motor and tranny and mod the hell outa it!!! and no prob dude im ordering dome more suede to do my door panels and visors (again) if you are interested let me know and we can order it al ltogether to save some cash! pm me
  18. hey guys im looking for some switches and regulators.....i got an 04 with nonpower windows....so i got all lthe oem parts i need accept these its a big job but a new dash harness door panels door hanresses and bcm and fuse blocks....now i just need swtiches and regulators..... let me know thanks
  19. thanks bro but im just looking for the factory ones.....anyone bump?
  20. hey guys i really want some cloth seat covers....dont ask y i just dont want leather.... my work truck edition seats have that weird cloth material...i wat the nicer kind like in a z71 or sumin.....and also my seats dont have the arm rests..... if you think u can help plaese let me know thanks
  21. ahhh not att all....i did remove the old material....if you grab the lip on the material it shud peel away veryyyy easy if you dont youll just pull peices of foam AWAY....u need to get the lip of it.... if it was tacky its was alot easier to mold around the corners i started int he middle hump in the corners....
  22. damn eddie!!!! get me one in black!!!! where did he get it??? thats my damn truck!
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