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Posts posted by Tylur06SS

  1. I wouldn't do the paint that you have to brush on. the stuff is junk. id just do a spray can. doesn't even have to be high temp or anything like that. i color matched mine a also painted in the SS logo. yellow would be different. i would go with whatever theme color your stick ing with on the rest of the truck. i personally color match everything. but on a black vehicle it wont stick out much if you were to color match.


    heres a few pictures of mine. i did them like 3 years ago. the paint it holding up great. to do mine it took about 6 hours but most of that was do to dry time. also doing the SS logo made it take even longer. the SS logos aren't stickers there are painted in.






    where did you find the paint? i want to do my calipers like that!

  2. i would personally go to ebay to get my HIDs! 35 bucks free shipping, 1 year warranty you cant beat it! a bulb and a ballast is all you need! ive had alot of success with ebay hids believe it or not, no sense in wasting too much money when the ballast may go out anyways and you still get alot better visibility at night. thats just me though

  3. Wow, that's a huge difference. Now do the corners. smash.gif


    thanks man! i was gunna work on the rest today after class but it got too cold to wet sand lol i hope it warms up so i can finish the rest!


    and thanks The_aSSet for getting the pics on the thread!

  4. Can I have your hood? :)


    Nice pic


    man i would sell it because i have a ram air hood im about to put on but the guy who does all my paint work said hed paint my ram air hood for free for that hood so cant complain there lol


    thanks guys! happy.gif

  5. ok i'll post pics guys.


    i started with a 3M headlight restore compound mainly to clean the surface, i already had it so it was just overkill really

    then i started wet sanding with an 800 grit sandpaper and did so for about 15 minutes

    next i went to a 1000 grit sand paper and kept wet sanding for about 10 minutes

    then i used a 2000 grit and sanded for 15-20 minutes

    i started finishing up my using a rubbing compund to get the last of the scratches out

    and i sealed with a wax


    i know it took awhile and the length of time i spend sanding in each stage was maybe overkill but im in college and bored so i could afford to take my time. it got dark on me before i could snap a pic of the completly finished product but i'll make sure that one goes up tomorrow after class

  6. It's been done, you can buy those kits on eBay, I see 'em all the time. One thing I personally haven't seen yet is someone mounting them behind the main upper grill, like off-roaders so sometimes, but i'm sure somebody has done it somewhere...


    awe :( i was excited for a sec lol

  7. so i got to thinking yesterday and today about fog lights since our SS's dont have them factory. the lack of them really doesnt bother me to be honest but i want to do something nobody else has. its a crazy idea guys! i want to know thoughts please. so my buddy has a trailblazer SS and we got to thinking, why not do fog lights like the trailblazer SS's? so instead of being behind the brake ducts making them useless, have them in the center grill in the bumper just like the trailblazers? it would take a bit of time and thught behind it but i think it would look good

  8. i know that probably everyone knows how to do this BUT i had to finally do it today because my lights were yellow and just wernt clear at all! so an hour and 15 minutes later i finished one light. IT LOOKS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.gif i feel so acomplished now! it looks brand new i'll post pics later if anybody is intersted

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