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Everything posted by KIKINSS

  1. the ONLY thing I miss about the snow is having a snow machine.!!! Man I loved all of mine and compared to whats out there now there were junk. ENJOY the winter Me..I will take one of the bikes out for a cruise now.
  2. I use the hell out of mine, its a truck. Used daily as a delivery truck, used on weekends to pull open and or enclosed trailers to the dragstrip with race cars on/inside them..and has been raced several times. Hands down the BEST truck I have EVER owned. 128,000 miles on the clock and this truck still rocks! I really think that I will drive it till die.
  3. My winter tires look really close to the summer ones Snow already tomorrow? Isnt that kinda early?
  4. Mine has done the same thing a couple times, back on now. Was told this time to clean injectors.
  5. Never did like that stuff..but then again I dont care for any soda BTW, the OP's poll was about an alcoholic drink. Oh..and Im glad yer....straight edge
  6. Wheres the choice for cold and free??? Had to go with Bud but to be honest my favorite is from a local brewery.
  7. I remember the day I paid mine off too...it was the day I bought it J/K CONGRATS but it has been since Nov of 08 I will never get rid of this truck, love it toooo much
  8. What exactly is wrong? I have battled back pain for years. The last bad time was 2 years ago, out for a multi-day bike ride and got caught in 50+ mph wind for the last 2 days. Side wind on a bike can wear you out. Long story short the last day was horrible, had 250 miles to go and I knew if I got off the bike I would never be able to get back on it. The next few weeks I had therapy done, was taking muscle relaxers and Vicodin..800mg Ibuprofin like they were candy. I really dont like masking the pain but i couldnt handle not being able to walk,drive,sit,lay down....sound familiar?? Oh, and the pain never went away even with all that crap Finally the therapist says hey, why dont you buy an inversion table? (she was stretching my neck to relieve my vertebra) I picked one up that day and let me say that is the BEST 200bux I EVER spent. I started out on it about 4-5 times a day, within a couple days I could go totally upside inverted and backed down to 3 times a day. My pain was manageable in less than a week and I was able to get back riding after about 2 weeks. Heres the one I have..I see I got a good deal at 200.00 http://www.amazon.co...f=cm_lmf_tit_15 Nah, when that pain started going away I would have paid a grand....or more. Good luck, trust me I have been in your shoes more than once.Not fun
  9. I have one of these bad ass 6clyinders, restoring it now, about 70% done And one of these, 1800cc Honda VTX. I have to get that bike back from a buddy, he borrowed it last June. Its been modded out. Never took any pics yet tho. lots a chrome, 240 rear tire,etc..... And the one I ride the hell out of... an 07 VFR, 25th anniversary Interceptor. Bought new, just turned 60,000 miles on it Saturday. Fun bike. This pic was taken when the bike was a few months old. Fireblades is funny, they took a pic of my bike off of VFRD, and now Im the leech
  10. Sweet I used to have 2 vid cameras on my bike,(front/rear view) I took them off cuz it seemed like almost every group ride I went on as soon as others saw them they seemed to grow bigger balls....then I was recording a crash instead of a nice fast twistie ride.
  11. Go Pro helmet cam? And YES thats a normal day on the road, on a bike you really see some crazy shit. peeps in cages really dont pay attention as much as riders do. Bikes=invisible
  12. Glad to see so many Power Rangers here All good info you have gotten here, I cant stress MSF course, and GEAR, those are the easy things. The hardest one will be keeping your right wrist from getting you in trouble. Stay out of the city traffic as much as you can and remember you are INVISIBLE to cagers. #1 accident for bikes is some dumbass turning left in front of you. Watch cars wheels, they are the 1st thing to show motion. On the light side... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A3b_MRimbk&feature=player_embedded
  13. Intermittent on the SS, the other one is ok....so far. Relays are making the sound, GM knew about that over 3 years ago that I know of. There was a repair bulletin for it. But no, not covered warranty that I know of.
  14. Great, this just happened to my SS last week....to fn bad for me mines an 04 What about the speedo clusters GM??? POS they are and you KNOW it...I own 2 04's and BOTH have all the same BS problems LOL me too
  15. Just never saw a real head count on how many wanted them I so left it alone. Looks like there's enough others willing to do them.
  16. WTF ONLY 160??? Hell I have had mine in the low 250's and it only has a blower , his should be faster than that!


    Why Sharks Circle You Before Attacking. Two great white sharks swimming in the ocean spied survivors of a sunken ship. "Follow me son" the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people. "First we swim around them a few times with just the tip of our fins showing." And they did. "Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing." And they did. "Now we eat everybody." And they did. When they were both gorged, the son asked,"Dad, why didn't we just eat them all at first? Why did we swim around and around them?" His wise father replied, "Because they taste better without the poop inside!" Now you know... Why Sharks Circle before they attack
  18. Now thats just badass...... just to bad it isnt the 70's anymore tho
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