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Everything posted by EmoWalrus05

  1. Yah all you guys need to stop posting stuff that i want to buy i cant afford all this crap
  2. dude those are freaking awesome lol i have seen those on a lot of cars around here
  3. Me Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  4. what the **** that looks awesome excuse my french lol
  5. dude i love those trucks but that whole front end is wrong lol and i hate the rims
  6. Thought i would post this again just so you guys that did not see me post this have a chance to buy them, i went into the business that i made them at and i only sold 8 of them i thought there was a lot more of you guys that wanted to buy them lol but heres the link for everyone that didnt get the chance. http://www.zazzle.co...548817327438904 Also SS hats are available http://www.zazzle.co...728588514588155 Also a SSS Canvas http://www.zazzle.com/silverado_ss_canvas_gallery_wrapped_canvas-192356922607883152
  7. it really depends what size rim are you looking for i would assume that you are looking for the 20" the best way would be ebay but if you were looking to do 22" even maybe 20" try tbssowners.net and go to the store
  8. it really depends what size rim are you looking for i would assume that you are looking for the 20" the best way would be ebay but if you were looking to do 22" even maybe 20" try tbssowners.net and go to the store
  9. Cant wait to see it done at first when i saw this post i thought you were leaving us
  10. Welcome from STL lots of info on mods, repairs, and all sorts of things on here dont be afraid to ask just dont use plasti dip cuz some people might give you shit about it
  11. i really like those too wish i had the money for those
  12. sounds good i want cutouts soo bad
  13. i like the black one better because that is the one i want to go with but i have the chrome one now
  14. Just take it to your local body shop they can paint out there Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  15. Thanks brother I'll use that website next time Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  16. Congrats on the new house i will be needing some hid fogs for my truck soon
  17. Well when i made it the company charged me 25 dollars to covert the graphic i sent them into that stitching and the Color of that stitching can't be switched Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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