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Everything posted by EmoWalrus05

  1. Never thought I would have this many
  2. IMO its a deal for a boat and truck for 20K not bad
  3. i think it might look good where you get the bed cover at
  4. i think his next truck shouldnt be a SSS
  5. they are very nice still need to get me one
  6. nice looking where did you get your smoked headlights
  7. it looks like a solid truck other than the paint good luck man
  8. looking good a lot cleaner looking now
  9. i wish i had some too
  10. yup go elsewhere buy a different truck if your even thinking about lifting a sss go buy a POS dodge and lift that
  11. Congrats and yes plz do be safe over there we all appreciate you and everyone for serving for the USA
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