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Everything posted by EmoWalrus05

  1. they probably should the esky's and the ss should have the same bolt pattern but dont hold my word to it
  2. pick on miller night put the headlight covers back on
  3. sexy pretty jelly and like miller said id like to be the guy with the wad of $$$
  4. i will got to wait till 30 days is up its going to be STL SSS
  5. Good luck with the mpg but welcome to the site
  6. I like the pink rims Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  7. yup i havent palyed with photoshop since highschool
  8. Idk how to do that anyone know how Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  9. any of you guys have links for NOCAL
  10. tried to edit this pic let me know what you guys think
  11. i need a dowloadable silverado ss font for the computer
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