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Everything posted by Blick05SS

  1. Yea I have ran 1 for the past 2 years on here. Also mini update ive got 2 people on the list so far need atleast 4 more
  2. ok well whoever is interested just pm me your email address and once I get 6 ill send invites out for the league aug 25th will be the day of the draft and it will be in the evening just not sure what time yet
  3. voted as well im really hoping to make it this year I have vacation time to burn
  4. Free its just for fun and bragging rights
  5. ok well if we can get 6 to 8 definite yes's then ill set it up
  6. Repping the SS guys at all trucks took 2nd place

  7. Its almost that time of year again guys. Just curious if there was any interest in starting up a league again
  8. Dan its great stuff I decided to get the new stuff because the bug bit me and so far with the micro fiber pads the stuff is incredible
  9. 250 shipped for the injectors
  10. Might be posting some new pictures next week be on the watch

    1. Muggs


      What's up your sleeve butch lol

  11. awww come on luke you know you want to bring the truck lol
  12. hey Jason send a pm to jon idahoblkss he will make them and send them I usually get them from him and he ships quick
  13. bump only a little over a week til this show. Anybody else think there going?
  14. that's a cruise id love to go to but it doesn't work this year anyway take plenty of pics
  15. Ive been debating it not sure what im doing yet
  16. these threads always seem to go no where fast guess im glad I have 1 still in the box
  17. yea me and you both very nice truck though
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