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Posts posted by 2006IntimidatorSS

  1. Yea well I am kind of afraid to go alone. But I will try I guess. I was just really wanting a friend to hang out with. I might be getting a rental car tomorrow to drive out to the beach and maybe spend the day there. I might go to a few different beaches. Any recommendations for good beaches to go check out? Any nice girls around over here in California?

  2. Hey everyone, since I have been driving truck, I have been seeing some of you out there driving your Silverado SS trucks. I saw a nice black Silverado SS in I-15 south today, whoever it was, you passed right by me on the interstate. I saw another black Silverado SS on I-15 going north. I also saw a nice Red Silverado SS today on I-15 going north. These are the trucks I have see here in California. I have seen more of you in other states driving you Silverado SS trucks like Texas, Missouri, Illinois, North Carolina, south Carolina, Arizona, Colorado and many more in other states I have been to. If you have seen an orange Schneider National truck today or have before recently, post a reply. I want to see how many of you might have seen me

  3. Alright is anybody out here in California available? I finally made it to California. I am at my companies operating center in Fontana California. I will be going to Fountain Valley and Tustin tomorrow to deliver a load and then I am going to be taking a 34 hour restart break. So I will have one whole day off from driving to go do whatever I want to do. I want to go see the beach, but I really am afraid to go somewhere here in California alone by myself.

  4. Well Fontana California is where my company has a operating center. So that is a safe haven place for me to park as far as I know. I will be going there to park my truck and probably try to get a rental car for a day maybe. I need to get to a chiropractor for an adjustment in my back. I am getting lower back pains now and it's from sitting so much, though I do stretch and workout as often as I can. I also want to go to the beach somewhere to hang out and just see the ocean. I have never seen the ocean in my life, but I am kind of afraid to go somewhere alone especially in a state where there are a lot of bad people. I could pay for someones gas if they could come pick me up and wanted to hang out. I will cover the gas

  5. Yea I know Fontana is a ways from the beach, but I have to park my truck in a safe haven area where won't have to worry about bad low life people coming along to try to break into my truck and steal my belongings or gangs coming along to spray paint graffiti all over the sides of the truck. I just want to see the beach and to have a friend to hang out with. Can someone help a guy out? I swear I am not a bad person. Also I really need a place to do my laundry and to get rid of all my recycling. I got a lot of plastic bottles and tin cans to recycle and I want to dispose of them properly. I like to recycle, I dunno why but I got into it and figured I could at least do my part to helping the earth but not throwing plastics away into landfill. But I really need to do my laundry. Can someone help a guy out?

  6. Okay so I will be heading out to California here in the next couple of days. Got a load to go pickup tomorrow and I will be heading out there starting tomorrow. Might get out there the day after tomorrow. Anyway, was wondering if anyone lives around the beach area like by long beach and Fontana and somewhere around the Fontana area? This will be my first time ever to see California and I wanted to go check out the ocean, because I have never been able to see the ocean ever. Someone out there be willing to help a guy out? Let me know please

  7. Well I'm thinking I might be able to buy a Silverado SS this summer, not for sure yet but its something that is up in the air now. I'm wanting to find a 2006 Chevrolet Silverado SS 2WD. Reason I want that year and model is because 2006 was my favorite one. I am wanting either an Intimidator SS or just a 2006 Silverado SS as long as it is a 2006 and it's the 2WD model. I'm only going to drive it mainly during the summer anyway. Maybe sometimes during the winter just to haul my quads to races and that's pretty much about it. So let me know what you can find if any are available

  8. Sorry for your loss man. I'm a truck driver and I see a lot and I mean a lot of idiots and stupid people driving on the road that should not even be allowed to own a vehicle let alone allow them to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. I had a few close calls because of other peoples own stupidity and I have to try to be very careful everyday when I'm driviing because my vehicle is bigger than theirs. Anyway I hate to see such a nice pickup wrecked by some dumb brod who can't drive worth a sh*t. Someday she'll get what karma throws at her. Keep your head up and give it time.

  9. Hello everyone, well I've been driving truck over the road now for just about 3 months and I'm still going with it. I kind of like what I am doing now because not only do I have just a job, but I got a career. That is something bigger and something I never thought I would be able to say someday. But anyway how is everyone doing these days and what is everyone doing these days? I'm sitting down in Indiana right now at a company operating center. Anyone from Indiana on here?

  10. Alright I just got in to Green Bay Wisconsin today and was wondering if anyone on here lives around Green Bay Wisconsin? Maybe could get together sometime and hang out. Also someone to show me around the area so I can get familiar with it while I'm out this way. I will be out here for 3 weeks. Well anyone up for getting together to hang out? I'm staying in a hotel at the Ramada Way Hotel. Let me know people

  11. Yea I'm really glad I decided to do something with my life, something good. I am heading off to Green Bay Wisconsin tomorrow to start with the orientation and training with the trucking company I applied with. Anyone on here live around the Green Bay Wisconsin area? Anyway I haven't started driving for a company or job yet, but I will soon. I'm going to work hard and try to get all of my bills paid off first so I won't have any debt to pay anymore. I'll keep you all posted. Hopefully we can get together someday and hang out. I'm looking t buying my own Silverado SS someday, but first got bills to pay off.

  12. Hey everyone, been a long ass time since I've been on here. Well I decided to do something with my life for once and I found a cdl school in Wisconsin that I could go to. Class is 4 weeks and you're done. I am done with my cdl class now. I took the cdl class for a class A cdl license and I passed the road test and passed the class. I got a class A cdl license now and I got a job lined up with Schneider National for over the road truck driving. I'm down in Sun Prairie Wisconsin right now at a motel, Sun Prairie is like 10 minutes from Madison. Anybody here live in or around Madison Wisconsin area? It doesn't matter anyway because I'm getting ready to head home. I'm leaving for home here around noon. Well let me know what you all think. I feel kind of dumb for posting this but I wanted to share this with you all. I'll be buying a silverado ss someday soon hopefully. Maybe in a year, I got student loans and bills to pay off first.

  13. Hello Everyone, been a long time since I've been on here. I hardly get online much anymore and for the times I do get online, I'm usually going on to try to sell something or look up something. Anyway I've been laid off from my job since December and now it's left me in a hard situation again like all the other jobs I had did. So pretty much all the money I had saved up was spent on bills and crap I don't even like, but I thought of a answer to this. I was doing some research recently and been doing a lot of thinking on this subject. So I looked up a good CDL School to get a CDL License for truck driving and I found one right here in Wisconsin. Well I found two, but one of them is too much to drive to everyday. So the cdl school I found offers a 4 week class for a class A CDL License and I enrolled in that class. It's only 4 weeks, you're in and you're out before you know it. One month and it's a cheap career that makes you a lot of money with a cdl license. So I'm going to this Diesel Truck Driver School down in Sun Prairie Wisconsin for a Class A CDL License. I can't stand sitting around anymore waiting for my job to call me back because who knows how long they will take till they call me back to work and even if they do, you don't know how long they will keep me on till they have to lay me off again, leaving me screwed for money again. I've just done this too many times and figured it's time to do something else that isn't going to leave me unemployed and hurting for money. So just thought this would be a cool thing to share with all of you. Let me know what you think people? Oh and if you're wondering, I'm going for long haul over the road truck driving after I get my cdl license because long haul over the road truck drivers make more money. I just want to pay off all of my bills and be done with owing medical bills and student loans.

  14. Anyone one here ride sport quads? I got a 04 Yamaha YFZ450 that I'm trying to part out and sell so I can save up to buy a different quad. Anyway, check out the links and take a look at what I got to sell for ATV parts.









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