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Everything posted by Miller812

  1. Belt squeel it however you spell it lol. Get a goodyear gatorback belt and you'll be good Sent From My GNex
  2. lol it would figure wed be talking bout assholes and fords in the same thread lol. they go hand in hand like lamb and tuna fish. haha
  3. belltechs made a huge diff here. agreed with fireman. condition on the tires?
  4. <br /><br /><br />Haha to funny Sent From My GNex
  5. Mmmmmm I like smooth Sent From My GNex
  6. Dualls is the man once again!!!!

    1. Blick05SS


      what did he do this time??? LOL

    2. Miller812


      dads truck wouldnt go into gear. told him wat was up and he got me hooked up FAST with a new prndl switch for it

    3. Miller812


      dads truck wouldnt go into gear. told him wat was up and he got me hooked up FAST with a new prndl switch for it

  7. Like the new kicks. They look good on your truck. Sent From My GNex
  8. Haha right meow. Sent From My GNex
  9. <br /><br /><br /> Ahhhhh perfect. Thank you Sent From My GNex
  10. <br /><br /><br />Not a shopman. Homemade Sent From My GNex
  11. <br /><br /><br /> Lol Not this time of year on my truck the roads are to dirty and the tits turn brown <br /><br /><br /> Hahahaha I would to but my girl isn't into that lol looks like it's just the hood haha. Sent From My GNex
  12. Sooooo sexy. Love your truck Sent From My GNex
  13. It's amazing wat us humans are capable of doing to make all be able to appreciate and share the same love for vehicles. Very cool indeed Sent From My GNex
  14. FML better switch to some 2 stroke oil i guess
  15. no Jon made it for me about a year ago. maybe not that long but awhile ago
  16. anybody want to make me a new cool sig. :fingersx: :fingersx:
  17. wow looks like your having a ton of fun lol. something go boom
  18. ya looks ( . Y . ) i am a big fan of red and black. throw some black headlight covers on and run with it.....
  19. http://www.anythinghiphop.com/silky-smooth-silverado-ss/ http://www.gmfullsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122958
  20. Looking sexy. I love blue and grey together. Sent From My GNex
  21. Looking good. Alignment after anything changed in the front end is always a good idea Sent From My GNex
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