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Status Updates posted by holdenhunt

  1. Fouled a plug after seafoaming wtf?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eeekroar


      I sea foamed through brake booster,and pcv many times and never fouled a plug

    3. holdenhunt


      I did it exactly right according to a ls1 tech and did it through the brake booster as well...idk why that would happen


    4. holdenhunt


      I did it exactly right according to a ls1 tech and did it through the brake booster as well...idk why that would happen


  2. Fouled a plug after seafoaming wtf?

  3. Got a speeding ticket last night for doin 136 mph. FMLWhat's on your mind?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatTallCanadian


      heh, I had one for 174 KM/H in a 100 zone, they knocked it down to 150 so they didn't have to impound mine. How did you get out of impound? I feel your pain thjough!


    3. holdenhunt


      He cut me a big break and told me I should be going to jail but since I was speeding dowm a FM road that was named after my family he let me go haha

    4. holdenhunt


      and yea it was in the SSS

  4. Its gonna be a long process to get my truck fully modded but this is the start!

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