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Status Replies posted by rickyrick562

  1. Time for another DD

  2. Just realized, you need a work truck in order to own a performance truck, if your modding it of course, lugging transmissions, rims, parts etc in my DD seems sacreligious LOL

  3. Pinning my crank on Sat. tagging Silvy777 lol

  4. I got another speeding ticket today!!

  5. Anyone playing COD/MW3 on PS3?? My screen name is the same as on the game.

  6. Got my paint today.... Long drive, but driving the SS makes the drive better. Ill post some pics of some paint samples later!

  7. Thinking of selling the bike

  8. New pics in my gallery. See what you think.

  9. I'd just like to say...I love this site and all the people that are apart of it. Nothing but good people and i feel very welcome here!

  10. how much torque does headers and a magnacharger give you

  11. iPhone 4s in hand! My lady I don't think likes that she bought the 4, but at least Im happy :) hahahahahahaha

  12. My carrier is offering an iphone 4 8gb for $50 with a two year contract, or a iphone 4s 16gb for $150 with a one year contract. Im thinking about just picking up the 4. Opinions?

  13. Black SS 20's on, 1" more inch of drop up front, center caps comin next week, pics to follow...

  14. Wifey got a Nikon D60 photography camera for our wedding anniversary. Can anyone guess what i'll be taking pictures of?

  15. Not sure what it is, but whever I drive my SS, I feel like I am on top of the world. Hearing the motor with my exhaust puts a smile on my face every time. Can only imagine what happens when I get her Super Charged. Was going to sell it at one time but glad I never did. Will do my very best to keep this truck as long as possible!!

  16. Got a little surprise brewing, pics up next week or Sat. if I can get it done :D

  17. 12.000 for a black 05 with 122,000 miles? baer brakes, snug top, and k&n? good price?

  18. Just pulled the trigger on my Z06 brake system conversion. STOKED!

  19. Pics of the truck are finally up. check em out



  22. might be going to a 408. hopefully ill know by tomorrow whether or not my no. 7 cylinder is f'd

  23. Going a lil ricer on the Cabrio project. Sticker bombing equipment is on the way.

  24. What To do to the truck next....

  25. password change

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