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Everything posted by 20silverado06

  1. Its a viper 5704 and the lights flash during arm/disarm but not during triggered alarm. Any idea on how to get them to
  2. they should be 4x6 in the back. and as for a system try for 2 10" jl w7s and jx1000/1. best system i had was 2 fosgate T0D412 and a fosgate t1000-1bdcp and clarion double din.
  3. no responses...........................well i figured out the most part of it. now just need to know how to power up the ign 2 wire for remote start and transmission to keep from throwing codes
  4. Ok I'm new to the site and appreciate the help. I bought the viper 5704 and the xpresskit db-all for my 06 silverado(wiring should be the same from 03-06). Got everything to work( remote start and alarm). It was good till bout the fourth day. When I went to remote start the truck, it started then died then tried to restart and couldn't start. Took dash apart only to find that the bypass module(replacement on the way) had fried somehow. Any ideas or info why. I was using d2d with virtual tach. And GM 12 t harness so I didn't have to cut in to factory harness but I might install it and splice into factory harness instead when the new module comes in. can anyone help. need to know what wires need to be hooked up for the remote start harness with or without the t harness.ive looked everywhere. even matts how to thread on here.Thank you
  5. Ok I'm new to the site and appreciate the help. I bought the viper 5701 and the xpress kit db-all. Got everything to work( remote start and alarm). It was good till bout the fourth day. When I went to remote start the truck, it started then died then tried to restart and couldn't. Took dash apart only to find that the bypass module had fried somehow. Any ideas or info why. I was using d2d with virtual tach. And t harness so I didn't have to cut in to factory harness but Im going to install it and splice into factory harness instead when the new module comes in. And can anyone tell me a remote start install so I can make sure everything indeed is hooked up. I used the how to by matt the first time. But I need one without t harness. Thank you
  6. i understand bout the remote start install but what bout the alarm install. if i use d2d, will i need to wire up some of the other harnesses beside hot wire and grounds.(like door lock/unlock, door trigger ect...... basically the big harness on alarm side.) all this is for viper 5704 and xpresskit db-all bypass module
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