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Everything posted by chevyman57

  1. just let u know he is in the Pennsylvania, USA
  2. hi there i have some 3 layer fiberglass ones for 160.. shipped
  3. we got 12 in snow today took 2 hrs to clean driveway to day .going to be a long monday at work.

  4. wow those are in great shape glws.
  5. yeah I can agree with blown 346 if it was brand new never been instaled maybe just saying.glws
  6. wow the wind was really bad here 68 mph

    1. MID12sSSS


      We experienced winds last week around the same speed. It destroyed a lot of shit. Haha. Trees everywhere, it tipped over BBQs and broke flagpoles.. It even took the roof off our local chinese restaurant. Lol.

  7. sweet Lookin Ride wish I had some money my 03 will have to do me for now .is paid for.
  8. just curious what is the cost to have something like that done looks great
  9. well I know you gotta be getting excited I know I would be .arrival Blue is my favorite color also had some hail damage on my truck last spring I got some of it fixed just havnt had it repainted yet .now you're getting me the itch to go get it done after seeing this is making me want to get it done even more.
  10. do u still have the windshield washer plastic reseivor.and the driver side running light
  11. about the drivers side running light and the windshield washer plasticbottle
  12. I've got a complete set up sitting in my garage with the angle iron all the cladding if I had the time I would take and make all the brackets but I don't have the time to make them.
  13. records are easy to make what is a piece of angle lightweight angle iron
  14. yeah do that check on how much it would cost to get in broke down and see if they got some boxes to put them in sure would save a lot of on shipping because of the weigh.
  15. would you consider breaking them down and just sending the wheels only
  16. tell me what's so special about these heads if there is anything
  17. looks like it'll be a good time sorry I can't make it ever goes hope you get a lot of pictures and maybe even some video be great to see it thanks
  18. yeah I've been thinking of doing the same thing with mine hard to see at night tonight driving I've ordered from that company they're a good company never had any problems with your stuff
  19. anybody got a tarus hours how are those guns
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