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Everything posted by SSmoothSilSS

  1. Where did you purchase those, The ones on see advertised don't mention this process. Thanks, TIA
  2. It better than the snow this winter.
  3. Nice ride, that was my second choice in colors, check out Camaro5.com Here is mine on 22 inch.
  4. Raceline makes a wheel for our trucks that resembles the Eagle 026. http://www.ebay.com/...EWAX:IT&vxp=mtr
  5. Use Google Go to Options (the sprocket type wheel in the upper right hand corner Click on that then click on Advanced Search Then type in your search (Silverado SS Seattle for my area) or any other city you want. Go down to the center were it says site or domain. Type in Craigslist.org Down farther and hit Advanced Search button. The hardest think is you can't tell if the post is expired.
  6. Notice graphic youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn3QbD7NRyY&feature=player_embedded
  7. When I was young I was told if I can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all. But now I older, and that looks like shit.
  8. Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys gone. For those who grew up in the 80's http://www.tmz.com/2012/05/04/beastie-boys-adam-yauch-dead/
  9. Some on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/140681563982?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  10. Welcome to the site, I'm in Olympia. Clay
  11. Post some more of that Charger, it look sweet.
  12. I have the Bell Tech 2/2 drop and the Street Shocks, truck rides smooth.
  13. I have the Chrome and there are almost 2 years old and starting to pit in the lower curve areas at the end of the spokes. I have keep them polished and waxed, and used only in the summer months. I will be selling mine and going with a Billet Alu. Boss only gives a 1 year warranty on the Chrome.
  14. Mine came with it on it, I don't know if the dealer put it on or not.
  15. Let me know I maybe interest in a set later on.
  16. Welcome back Justin, are ya home for good this time.
  17. I would like to buy an extra one, but $460 for something that might happen, is to expensive.
  18. I'm not sure I want to put one on my truck or not, if I buy one and don't put it on I could probably sell it later.
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