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Everything posted by Ldogss

  1. thats why ppl have to stay informed about whats going on...there is so much that you dont see that is happing
  2. that look like it will be so much fun when its done
  3. i dont get out of work till between 5 and 6 ...i wouldnt mind the trip...but on a friday i'll have to make plans to bounce early out of work...but maybe later on i can make it up there...cecil is only like 20 minutes away
  4. even with the price i still floor it whenever i get a chance
  5. i might make it down there i wanna see what the TBSS runs with the tune on it
  6. wow nice find...i bet it flys...plans for it????
  7. mine is the same way...i think that Lancer that tried to drive under my bed did help any
  8. i like the second wheel the best...what finish are you get for the wheel ...paint ,polish,chrome,power coat?
  9. i wish i could play with my pipe at work.....j/k...cool vid of what you do
  10. haha next time opt for a liftgate and enclosed trailer
  11. another chevy saving a dodge
  12. 32 used car tech for a Ford dealer co-owner Big Nasty inc ...me and my brother have a shop ...any thing car realted...audio video,performance,what ever...but lately it seems that all we have been doing is replacing engines or transmissions
  13. it would have been alot easier to buy the truck instead of building it since they are a few companys selling them now
  14. 84 or 86 cant remember the year ...it was the first year for the car...pontiac 6000 STE
  15. sorry to hear what happened to your truck
  16. sorry to hear that...that sucks
  17. its been kindof slow for methe past 2 weeks...i the used car tech and today so far i have in maybe 4 hours...i had one used car check ...a warrenty blend door motor...and a tail light housing...oh and 2 of the tool guys are here...one i only owed $21 so hes paid off the other i owe a couple hundred ...sucks to pay out money when you dont make any
  18. obiviously i know your at your computer but are you supposed to working or are you just messing around...iam at work and its slow ...ive been here now for over 2 hours and havent touched one car...flat rate sucks sometimes...all ive done so far is drink coffee ,listen to xm online, talk to people who are working ,making jokes and stuff...been on most of the fourms i go on...just wasting time for the most part...i guess ill clean some of the crap out of my toolbox ...its to nice of a day to be stuck here doing nothing
  19. i wanna make it...but i dont think its ganna happen ...most of the projects are done ...but i still have a few left and not of enough time
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