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Everything posted by misterp

  1. What's the name of the movie where the lead guitarist had his amp relabeled so the volume knob went to 11 instead of 10? Mr. P.
  2. I am not a fan of that spoiler, but everything looks like the owner did take the time and effort to do things as professionally as he could so I'll give it an overall thumbs-up, it's a nice truck I'm a bit skeptical on his "118mph in the 1/4" comment though... Mr. P.
  3. FWIW - from my experience you don't save *that* much weight using fiberglass/resin over MDF in a good enclosure. AFA sound quality, a lot of guys will construct 1/2 the enclosure with MDF, and the other half with fiberglass. The only real reason I can see using fiberglass in our trucks is if you want to have an up-firing box who's bottom is molded to follow the contour of the floorboard for maximum volume, and that will only gain you about .3 cu. ft. So far from what I have seen and heard myself in the GM EC trucks the better strategy seems to be a sealed down-firing box and compensating for the smaller volume by using a bit of internal batting, a quality sub, and much more powerful amp. OR, use a design with a single sub. Of course the other reason for using fiberglass is to have an enclosure with flowing lines and/or rounded corners to better match the interior fit and finish. My two cents... Mr. P.
  4. They have lawn mower races here during 4th of July; but I've never seen a lawn mower hill climb before Mr. P.
  5. A web-comic called Drunks, where readers can submit their own drinking stories for comic adaptation: www.drunkscomic.net Only Fools Walk In Office Space Mr. P.
  6. I fell for another one of your puns again... Mr. P.
  7. Yippy-Ki-Yo. A good PCM tune is money well spent. Mr. P.
  8. Yeah, but it's more than that. Since Christmas I have been drifting in and out of focus on this, I'm too close to the problem... sometimes I'm thinking about the kids, then about me, then about the law, then about their mother and possible repercussions given the different possibilities; it's just a whirlwind of shit to think about. Then I just say to myself I need to grow a pair, damn the torpedos, and jump right in; but I've done that before and I would if it were my own life but I'm not going to be that reckless with their lives. It's more than doing whatever you must to make the kids happy - all emotion aside the fact is that if any child is so unhappy they refuse to go home to their parent then there has got to be something *very* wrong. But I do not want to raise a fight just to have my ass kicked by the law, or the DA, or their mother, etc because that outcome will make the kids VERY bitter, resentful, cynical - not to mention any fallout they might get from their mother. I believe that there is no such thing as failure. But in this case, I cannot afford to 'fail' - getting it right the first time is crucial to me and that is why I am searching for ideas from others that might have lived through (or near) a similar situation before. Mr. P.
  9. Thank you, I try. It'll all work out, one way or another. Savanna... I do love them both, but my daughter just ROCKS, she is a *complete* chip off the block, has my sense of humor in spades. Last week in CA she was telling me that she's figured out why her class has to do math homework every night except Fridays; it is (according to her astute observation) that on Fridays her math teacher arrives at school drinking a very large Starbucks mocha - "the teacher has Mocha Fridays and so we have no math homework" I was authoritatively told. Funnier part = Savanna has now been trying to talk her math teacher into having Mocha Tuesdays as well Mr. P.
  10. Thank you for the warm thought and the suggestion - my sister is 1-hr away from the kids and they are completely comfortable and totally trust her, plus I have LOTS of VERY dedicated and intimate friends within an arm's reach of the kids. After discussing with my attorney I am afraid that if I leave TX then the state of CA or my ex (or both) can claim I am no longer a TX resident and I will loose my legal leverage regarding my daughter. The PV has already argued with me to move to CA "for the kids" and I made it pretty clear my life was here in Texas. Besides, even at the salary I am capable of making in CA there is absolutely no freaking way I could raise kids there on my own; I mean Christ my sister just paid $675K for her home less than a year ago Mr. P.
  11. misterp


    Yes a 8.5-inch rim will work fine, you'll have a little bit of bulge in the sidewall; a 9.0-inch would probably be optimum for a tire of that width. Mr. P.
  12. I so know what you mean - my SS is the swirl-mark poster child. Love those rims Mr. P.
  13. WOW it DOES work, I'm feeling healthier already
  14. Well, I'm back from my spring break visit with my kids and I have a problem, a big problem that I am having trouble getting my mind around, and I would appreciate *any* thoughts or perspectives anyone is willing to offer. I am divorced and have a daughter (almost 9) and a stepson (11). They are very unhappy living with their mother in California. During my last visit my daughter asked me if it would be ok that she not ever return to her mother again at the end of this next summer visitation. Separately my stepson has casually brought up the topic of legal ins-and-outs of running away from home, this is the third time the topic has come up in 14 months and I finally confronted him about it openly and he admitted that he had seriously begun researching the idea and at the moment has $175 saved to do so. I live 1800-miles away from the house the kids live in, so I have no idea just exactly what is happening in their day-to-day lives, but I see 'signs'. I checked and there is no evidence of physical abuse to the kids, but their mother is diagnosed bi-polar and a rage-a-holic, and the kids did share with me that their mother is fighting daily with her new husband (poor guy ) and making life on all of them very hard. No physical abuse, no bruises, cuts, or scrapes - but lots of emotional abuse. I believe the kids to be serious, I do not think they will willingly return to their mother without force come this next summer break. Their mother is completely clueless, has no idea the kids are unhappy at all let alone to this degree. I love both kids dearly, and I personally do think that they will have a much more successful/happy life with me rather than their mother, BUT I really want to do what is best for them in the long run. So many questions. Are they old enough? Or Not? Or is the problem so severe that this does not matter? Should I just help the kids cope with their mother instead? How do I know if they are exaggerating the situation, or how they are feeling? I really do not think my own kids are playing me but I have to make sure... There's no physical abuse, and they have food and a roof over their heads so in reality will I even be able to demonstrate the kids as victims of abuse? Should I bring this all to the attention of their mother and scare her to within an inch of her life to straighten-up and be a loving mother to these kids? If I do bring it to her attention will it backfire and she will just hurt the kids more? The only way I can see this working is to simultaneously call CPS and start an investigation while hiring an attorney in Texas to change custody of my daughter while also hiring a second attorney in California for my stepson so that he can divorce his parents and live with me... but I like to complicate things so maybe there is a simpler way? Anyone know of a good support agency/forum focused on these kinds of single parent issues? I dunno. Anyone with any food for thought? I need help thinking outside the box I'm in here. Mr. P.
  15. ROFL - I'm going to use that one!!! Mr. P.
  16. "ahh found this in yer saddle bag"
  17. Totally - every Holley I've had I eventually got rid of. Had good luck with the Barry Grant Speed Demon carbs though. Love the black on the Riv! Mr. P.
  18. I bet not! Great to hear you got the juice flowing. Mr. P.
  19. Great job on the truck btw Mr. P.
  20. No problem with using synthetic GL-5 in the front axle, it is "more" than you need, standard GL-5 will do the trick as the front axle is an open differential. However, as memory serves I think synthetic is called for in the front diff simply because of the types of rubber seals used, but I'm not sure without researching... Mr. P.
  21. Welcome from a fellow obsessed SS owner Mr. P.
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