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Posts posted by billsws6

  1. it is a good investment, the market is slow now so start looking now. get a good feel for prices, and work with a real estate broker you are comfortable with. the first thing you need to do is talk to the bank about a loan find out how much you can borrow.

  2. i have had a pellet stove for 9 years and it works very well. except for last year when pellet prices went way up. i didnt even use it last year. best advice i can give is shop around for pellets the best time to buy is around september or october. buy at least 2 tons ( 100 bags ) can buy them cheaper by the ton. for me 1 bag lasts 24 hrs. that is on the lowest setting.

  3. i watched all of rockstar supernova, and just got the album. i like it lucas is definetly a good fit. think lucas's headspin song is real good. i thought the album would have been more towards metal, instead its more laid back.

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