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Everything posted by thomp62301

  1. Hey it's no big deal. Maybe next time. Looks like perfect weather. Hoping for a new best.
  2. I just start mine up every 4 to 5 weeks when it sits for a long period of time.
  3. Heading to Cecil fri 10/31 if anyone is in the area and whats to make a few passes. Looks like nice weather so far.
  4. Yea Kevin you need to come down with us. Show some of them cars some horsepower.
  5. I have to say Kevin when I got your text message, it sent a chill down my spine. That truck is going to be a monster.
  6. There was a TBSS in my area running a 200 shot for awhile. That thing was insane. It'll never hurt it when used correctly. Had nitrous on the truck for the last 10,000 miles and many, many bottles through it. Need to plan something on a sunday so I can make it up there.
  7. You don't neccessarly need it, but it will make a BIG difference.
  8. Somebody knows something there. Overfilled, no pressure relief valve, or have been heating it with a tourch a lot to weakin the bottle.
  9. Might have to head over, Ill let you know.
  10. I'd have to say a procharger or turbo setup on one of these cars would be pretty bad ass.
  11. I'm seriously considering selling the SSS for one. But still undecided.
  12. He won the truck class. The video I took was of that pass on saturday.
  13. Here we are standing by the D-Max. Getting ready to watch all the horsepower. I'm on the left.
  14. It was a hell of a weekend. Thought i'd share some pics with you. This is a video of the TBSS that ran 9.27 @ 145.39 TBSS Video @ LSX
  15. Wow Dan you seem to have bad luck with your truck. You can look at it this way, you'll get every thing built up. Knock on wood so far, I seem to be one of the lucky few. 15,000 miles, 10,000 of them hard miles on a 150 shot and nothing broke yet.
  16. I'm one of 2 service managers at a commerical lawn equipment dealer. Been in this line of work for 12 years now. I like the company I work for but pretty much hate what I do. (Dealing with the public sucks) Actually considering a career change but havn't decied just what to do yet. www.rshollinger.com
  17. So where's pictures? We need to see the truck.
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