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Posts posted by sswolfpac

  1. took the kids to see the movie last nite, it was worth it, i also grew up on the cartoon, loved that gm was there with some vehicles, but that camaro was the balls, i want one now, but in all a good show for the kids and the big kid me

  2. well i got porked from e-bay but in another way id say i got lucky,,, bought a 2000 cavalier for 5200, from a dealership in jersey, they said the car was in good shape, it looked good and ran fine, last week got it inspected and insured and stickered, well today i went to chevy for a check on things to make sure the car was ok, they told me it is a piece of crap get rid of it the cat converter is fallling off and it was going to cost me 2,600 in repairs,, icalled the dealership flipping out and now they are buying the car back,, i just have to wait for the title to come back from the registry cause it was a jersey title changed to a ma 1, so now he wont take the car back without it, when i get it he will . so im getting my money back plus taxes on it plus shipping from there to here i guess i got lucky

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