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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. No kidding. That has to be a biotch to tune. Probably set up like two 4 cylinders working together.
  2. I would do a short fence, and keep grass from growing around it. You want all that stuff accessible, and it's a royal PITA if you have to pick grass and weeds out of it everytime you service it. Lookin' good, btw.
  3. I will always remember where I was that day. The thing that sticks in my mind were the people jumping out of 70-80 story windows to get away from the fire knowing they're going to die either way. I think they should show 5-10 minutes of the footage once a month on every TV, satellite, and cable station, because I think too many people easily forget what happened, and why we're at war.
  4. That's true. I forgot about that when we had the pool at our old house replastered. We had to bruch it daily for a week or so to make it smooth.
  5. SS emblems on a Furd?! That's blasphemy.
  6. That's the way my grandfather is. He told an arrogant salesman one time to not judge him by his looks, because he pays cash for his cars. Salesman changed his tune real quick.
  7. We've done the same thing with a budget. It's been the best thing for us to get ahold of our finances. It can be tough, but if you stick to it, hammer out your debts, and stay out of debt you will be much better off in the long run. We're on the plan to become debt free. We don't even want car payments ever again. Just think of what you could do with the money you're paying to others. Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is SLAVE to the lender. Don't be a slave to debt. You can do it.
  8. My wife is........ Oh look a bird. I'll look at it later.
  9. The Denali trucks are nice. White is a low maintainence color for sure. We had a couple of white cars, and you don't realize how dirty it is till you wash it sometimes.
  10. Whoever did that, or the person who buys that, and doesn't undo it should be stripped of their man card.
  11. Off topic: I still have the original pads at 81K.
  12. Take it to the dealer complaining of a squeak under the hood.
  13. It may be a Sunday. We ate their last Friday night, and saw the flier.
  14. I think there is a car show this Satuday at the Good Eats at I35 and loop 288 in Denton. Anyone interested?
  15. Well duh. Who in their right mind is going to pay $30K for a 91 Silverado let alone one mith a million miles on it.
  16. That's no joke. I've been trying for months with no luck. It's kind of a small niche market for our trucks.
  17. That's a tough one. First, she needs to understand that you are a car guy. I made that clear to my wife once we got serious. It just part of my DNA. Otoh, losing your house would be bad, and if she's talking about leaving when things get a little rocky then what is she going to do when they get rough. Rough spots are not a matter of if, but when, because every relationship/marriage has ups and downs. I would sit down with her, and have a serious talk about your relationship. As far as what to do about your financial situation, debt is bad. It will put in a hole that seems impossible to get out of. If you have an opportunity to pay off a debt I would lean toward doing it. It's up to you to decide which one. Camaro or truck? It all depends on what you ultimately want to do. But, I would suggest paying off debt as soon as possible, credit cards included, and staying debt free. Just think of what you could do with the money that you're paying to other people.
  18. Beat him within an inch of his life, and tell him if anything at all ever happens to your truck you'll finish the job. So. it would be in his best interest to make damn sure nothing ever happens to it. I hate chicken shit stuff like that.
  19. I won't do business, or work for/with friends. Almost lost a couple of friendships from helping them get jobs where I worked. Almost lost a job over one. After that I haven't done business/worked with a friend/family.
  20. Steve, I know it has to be hard. Especially when you're busting your ass trying to make something work when the other party could care less. I think you'll do fine up here. You have friends/support that are a phone call away that will be willing to help in way we can. With your knowledge, and skills with programming/IT you'll land a good job in no time putting your skills to work for YOU. Not someone else. It's all going to work out.
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