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Everything posted by CoolBlueSS

  1. This person is not recognized by the Arrival blue community. They should be stripped of their blue privaledges, and severly beaten.
  2. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I'd be willing to bet the majority of members here are angry white men. Even the women and black men on here. Because it's not about race, gender, or culture. It's about having enough of the political bullshit, and bleeding heart liberal attitude that is killing this country. 100% angry white man. EDIT: I firmly believe that if you stop seperating the races, and treat everyone as equal, then racism might have a chance to end.
  3. You may want to contact HPT through their forum, or by phone, to ask about the credits. From what I understand once you spend the credits for one VIN, say for your truck, you can tune it an unlimited amout of times.
  4. Mine is very sensitive off of idle. It's annoying as hell at low speeds. Sounds like it surging. Maybe some flowers will help.
  5. 2003 SS with 75K. Same typical stuff that most full size trucks/SUVs have that are covered under warranty. Front and rear diffs were done at 31K, steering shaft at 60K cluster at 68K. It's been a great truck. (knock on wood)
  6. You are correct. Go with 4WD, but it doesn't matter.
  7. Get rid of the cards. You'll be better off in the long run.
  8. That sucks. Hope you get her fixed soon.
  9. As everyone has said, thanks for your service and come home safe.
  10. OMG!! I've seen better looking piles of dog shit.
  11. Wasn't me. Besides the fact that mine is blue, and I'm in Texas which is nowhere near Connecticut.
  12. Very small, hard pellets. ALOT of them!!
  13. Try the nice neighborly approach first. If that doesn't work, then get nasty.
  14. Could be the difference between 2WD, and 4WD/AWD.
  15. And a 2 lbs. Folgers coffee can for an exhaust tip. Very cool. I wish I could find a deal like that.
  16. What these liberal ass gun control freaks don't realize is that all you would do is take guns away from law abiding citizens. Fact is, you can kill someone with anything. Basebat bat, car, knife, hammer, whatever you got. Where does it stop? Guns can be a fun hobby if used the right way.
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