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Everything posted by Z4pp

  1. That sucks, just a couple of months ago I took my truck in for some a tranny check and it came back like this. I got a free oil change, a free tank of gas and a fresh car wash. And they fixed some damage that I had done too.
  2. at least the girl is high-rez
  3. That's a real shame man! Best of luck to you, hope shes just blowing off some steam and comes back to you. GOOD LUCK!!! keep your head up too.
  4. best run 12.79? no nos? thats excellent! They did it with a lemon truck too, their stock 1\4 mile run was 15.6 thats crap! If they would have been lucky and got a good stock truck, maybe low 12s?
  5. Saw that on Tv AWESOME stuff!
  6. http://www.camaro5.com/forums/media/camarovideo1.mpg Found that a while ago. Notthing really fun, but you can hear the rumble of the 400 hp beast that is under the hood of that badass car.
  7. And where do you suppose an illegal fresh from mexico would get someone else's SSN? from the employer!!! Well said. I agree 100%.
  8. They are not given false SSNs there's no way that would work. I had trouble filing taxes just because one of the numbers was wrong, our accountant put down 8 instead of 3 for some reason. And for that alone I could not file taxes. How would that work with a random SSN? If the agricultural companies really wanted to stop this they would do a half ass background check to just verify at least. If immigrants are gone I can guarantee you that you wont see too many americans willing to work for that they wall minimum wage. Minimum wage is a spit to the face for the work they are doing. I have seen it 1st hand, I can guarantee you 80% of the people there where illegals and its really not hard to spot them. Some of them sleep in cars right there where they work. Building a fence and putting down 10,000,000,000 guards is not going to stop the problem either, it will slow it down, but it will never stop. And DRSSS has a GREAT POINT, what about all the homeless lazy ass bums we have in OUR country huh! Those lazy SOBS need to get jobs. My father is 63+ and he still works a very hard job. Sledgehammers are used everyday put it that way and he gets paid for the labor he does. I see people half my dad's age sitting on the curb begging for money and some have the god damn audacity to actually hold up signs telling people its for beer and cigarettes. Cmon now, really ask your self now, when have you seen a Mexican begging for money on a corner? LOL! NEVER!!!! because they get jobs and dont complain. The welfare and unemployment systems suck period. It doesn't take and dont quote me on this 1 year to find a job in this country. I could go out and find a job within a week. Those welfare idiots are just picky lazy bums who don't want a job and rather live off the government. They should reduce welfare to a minimum of 2-3 months. If you dont get your together in 2-3 months, your not trying! thats $0.4 cents in total.
  9. I agree with you. And yes your right a person without a legit social security number. EG 90% of most illegals cannot file for income taxes in any way. So thats money that the government gets to keep. The average income tax return is like 600-1000 for an illegal? do the math? the government gets tons of money unclaimed EVERY year. And they say illegals are stealing from the government. I see it backwards. I think if they do let illegals stay and legalize them they should pay them all the taxes they owe them. Or stfu. Thats my 2 cents.
  10. omg the mcdonalds one is rediculous!
  11. gay, the exhaust is cool and the locking tailgate, the roll pan doesnt fit and the spinners dont go with SSs
  12. I know which one I am, but im too lazy to type it out.
  13. I wanna try!!! where do i sign up!
  14. How so sick? The only thing I get is a minor stomach ache after drinking it, but it goes away after 10-20 minutes. It's to sweet imo. Maybe thats why. But it works great!
  15. The only thing I have been taking is Celltech Creatine. And the gains are nice. Strength wise.
  16. this one is for you guys. / don't mind the nissan yellow BEATER xterra. 04' supercharged with 265 hp and 60k on the odo. long live those japanese motors lol.
  17. 23 lbs with only 1% bf thats incredible! Since jan I gained about 18 lbs with like 3% bf lol. So you did something right. But our strength in sets is pretty much the same, EXCEPT SQUATS, I dread working out my legs so I usually skip out on them.
  18. I want to make love to that truck.
  19. How did you manage so much damage man! thats terrible!
  20. Ouchies, go to the doc and get that fixed, I wouldnt feel right, not being able to lift. What you should do is go to the gym and lift light, then gradually move on to heavier. Maybe with some stress on your forearms they will start to get stronger. Similar thing happened to me when I started working out this time around. I was trying to lift what I used to lift even though I stopped lifting for 12+ months and I just could not, and my forearms would give out randomly and then my I wouldnt even be able to rep the bar in bench. No bs. Just got to take it slow. Hope this helps lol.
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