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Posts posted by Eddie

  1. It's always nice looking at your LES on the net, and seeing a +10,000$ check added to your account UNTAXED being deployed :)

    I got a TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) account when I was the Marines and put 10% of my base pay into when I was in Iraq. I can't believe how fast it added up. Plus it was tax free money and it was making tax free interest.

  2. were her boots covered in cow shit?????


    This might help you understand.


    How Police LIDAR Guns Work


    Before you can defend yourself against LIDAR, it helps to have a basic understanding of how it works. Police laser guns release a narrow beam of light at a targeted vehicle. Portions of this light are reflected off the vehicle and back to the laser gun. From this reflected light, the laser gun can calculate the speed of the vehicle.


    In order for the laser gun to calculate a vehicles speed, the light has to be reflected back to the gun. Because of this, police are trained to target the more reflective areas of the vehicle. Typically this is the front license plate, headlights, or perhaps a shiny front grill.



  3. I think the show meet thing is a great idea. I have already been to a couple shows primary in the IE. Some of them are only 4 hours long so it's not too bad. I even got one in Corona to agree on making a Performance truck category.

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