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Everything posted by a-blur-by-you

  1. Thanks for all the kind words from the forum! My legal situation of course is my number 1 priority Steve and I will be smart about it believe me it is on my mind. I still have my moments but they are few and far between. Pasadena.....buddy whenever you're down! BTW does anyone want a x2000 speedstur lid cheap? I'm going to sell it because I may not be able to keep the truck. It's got the full remote package and is lined with the carpeting underneath the lid with light. I won't be able to ship it but can anyone say roadtrip? It is painted onyx black and is in perfect shape. Send me a PM if interested
  2. Some interesting stories chase??......Let's see I had this girl I met at a club.. 40 ish but really on top of her game if ya know what I mean! Anyways I went out with her twice already and an interesting thing I noticed about her was she was getting to be "clingy" already??? WTF ...I mean I just met this girl and she said to me since I have no kids "I'll have your baby" I was like So needless to say after that I bailed out soon thereafter and it's a good thing I never hit that homerun with this chic Talk about being up front with me......
  3. It's probably been a good month or so since I have posted here. I want to say things are progressing good but slow with my situation. misterp, turbocharghedberserker, 04 chase, kaotik1, dylan06ss, sum1, Pasadena SS, SS_bnoon_SS, Drako, FwyFlyr, Black2003SS....I could go on but what I am saying is I have printed out my topic months back and read it what seems when I get down a bit. I am thanking all of you for your kind words through my dilema and I just wanted to tell you all thanks. Pasadena SS wrote something that I went back too to share. He said "Eventually everything gets better and you will be in here telling us about this fine new girl you went out with last night, don't forget were here for you bro" Well, I have had my share of dates the last 3 weeks or so and let me tell you, I still got the mojo going even though I haven't been on a date since I was 17, now I am 30. I have dated 4 different girls just for fun but it has brought my spirits way up! I will let you boys know that I haven't seen or spoke to the stbxw going on 3 months. It's all attorney talk now and she has clearly moved on and so have I for the most part. All the girls like the SSS and trip out when I gotta pop the doors open to let them in cuz there shaved. My truck is def. a conversation piece and sure gets a smile from them when they ride in it, talk about you boys all the time!! I am always glad I have friends in here. Special thanks to Steve and Eric..... Sounds like I have missed alot... Lay'em out boys Greg "blur"
  4. I'm with you there brother! I'm all for being civil when someone's all talk (usually I just end up laughing at them), but if someone touches me, IT'S ON! Especially if I was fresh off of a motorcycle and still wearing a full face brain bucket, LOL! Blur, you should have a BBQ for local SSS.com members and have a good old fashioned bitch session while talking about our favorite trucks. I know it would help me out if I were in that situation. Wish I could be there for you to share a beer and a bitch or two myself. Keep the head up man, you're doing great so far! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks bnoon Yeah, I was really close in laying her f**king dad out right on the garage floor. The problem with that though I am sure my STBXW would've been calling the cops and it would've gotten worse. I kept my cool and that was the smart way in handling that situation. I may not be so forgiving next time, and all I know is all my friends are wanting a piece of him now. He really f**ked up his own daughters fate with this marriage. I blame her more so than him...he should've NEVER been involved. She really has dug herself in a big hole by how she left, no communication as to owning up to the debt we both have or a simple why, emptying the savings account, and now this assault. That's 4 strikes already isn't it???????????
  5. All that has been done, I feel like this is some horrible nightmare to go through this with I thought would be the mother of my first born
  6. I don't think I mentioned to you all a few weeks ago when I was at work my neighbor calls and tells me my wife and her dad are at my house. I knew what she was looking for and earlier in the week I did hide them in the house for this reason. So, I hop on my bike and haul a@@ over there and sure enough they were still there garage open them in the house. So I roll up in the garage, get off the bike and continue to walk up to the door. At tha point before I can even get my helmet off I see the door open and her dad takes his had hits my chest and pushes me back and away from the door. He wouldn't let me in my own f**king house. I turnes to my wife who was just standing there not saying a damn thing and asked her is this what she wants......"Do you want a divorce I ask"...NO answer to anything I had said. Her dad telling me to shut up and this and that. So, finally she says I am here to get somethings...ok there inside let me get them. That jacka** follows me inside after I told him to leave!! He is following me throughout the house and keeps running his mouth. I lost it right there and said...you threaten me one more time in my home I am going to lay you out right here!! I kept my hands to myself this whole time yet he and I were verbally attacking each other. They left...and the wife did not have 2 damn words to say to her husband and the man she has known for 13 years. I was attacked like I was a monster.....but all I said to her as she walked to her car was I did nothing but love you. She drove off and yet to this day in the 3rd week of this mess no contact from her. I don't expect any either in all honesty, through my lawyer I am sure I will get a response because she got served either yesterday or sometime today. It is stated on the paperwork she left with no intentions of ever returning and with no communication at all from her I do not know her intentions. I needed an answer and I think when her dad crossed the line that was it. She should've never gotten him involved, this is between her and myself......and clearly as Dylan pointed out she is emotionally shallow and small... Her daddy wont be able to get her out of this mess anymore....BTW, yes I did call the police and filed a report against him. I won't press charges because I will be the better person in all this. Both are an embarrassment to what you would call a MATURE ADULT. I am pissed but hurt at the same time.......I just want to get on with my life!
  7. I completely agree with Dylan, What I meant was I am fighting through the situation as a whole. Sorry for that mix up in words. I just want to feel normal again
  8. sum 1, turbochargedberserker, misterp, dylan.....to all thanks!! I'm sure today she will get served. Not a thought from the heart obviously, but in mind. I was told by many people this is the right thing to do. She clearly scarred me pretty emotionally and giving her the satisfaction of the final touch in her serving me a divorce I don't think she will expect it at all. I'm sure she is thinking I will just wait and wait for her as I did 2 years ago. I waited 5 months for and het rock bottom. Depression set in, I was on medication, and had a counsler try to lift my spirits. I think since I have been down this road before things seem more balanced but not any easier. I do have a question though, I have got a stack of mail for her. I guess in all honesty I could just keep it and see if she has the maturity to call or should I not even worry about it and just keep it in a box. It's impossible for her to get in the house again because after last weekend I changed the locks out and reprogrammed the garage door, which is how she got in last time. What should I do about that? Things are progressing slowly getting used to the idea she is out of my life for good. It's still hard for me to invision being alone after all those years together, but I'm thinking now as Dylan said..."being as cold as she is makes her emotionally shallow and I'm realizing how small she is as a person". I really am fighting through this. I really don't mean to run my life's problems on the forum but you guys really lift me in so many ways and I thank you all for that! Greg
  9. Just to update you all on my situation. Erik (turbochargedberserker) purchased the carbon fiber hood. Thanks Erik...BTW it's will ship out today and I will PM ya Steve, Thank you for lending an ear. As far as my marriage, still no word from my wife (been 11 days). Actually when I was working on Saturday my neighbor calls me and said she was at the house with her dad. I took off from work and saw here there with her dad. Broke my heart because she looked at me with no feeling or emotion. Too make a long story short I asked her what she wanted to do, yet no reply from her. Her dad wasn't at all cheery with me, but I won't get into that. Needless to say I know where this is headed so I saw my lawyer yesterday. I cannot believe after 13 years of life together it ends like this. I am confident I will not here from her again nor will I see her again on free terms. I can't erase memories nor emotions but they will fade. Honestly my wife gave up on a marriage I knew could've lasted a very long time. My last words to her were "I did nothing but love you", said nothing back to me, and drove off. What went wrong? I've asked myself a thousand times, yet I need to be content with my answer. I cannot focus my energy and thoughts on something I cannot change. Thanks again for all the support! Greg
  10. I think right now as some of you may know, I'm not sure if I am going to be able to hang on to my truck due to my situation. I am selling a AEM polished Brute Force intake. It is in PERFECT shape and I will include the AEM cleaning kit as well. I am sorry for not having a picture of it for you but http://www.stylinconcepts.com/parts.aspx/p...031/brandid/180 here you go. I will take any reasonable offers just don't play me on this Please. I hate to get rid of it, but I am doing all I can to salvage my financial independence at this point. Greg
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