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Pipefitters SS

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Posts posted by Pipefitters SS

  1. Thanks!


    BTW, Nice fish you got there either way. Isn’t the feeling great when ya watch the big ones swim away after a great fight? I find it almost as exhilarating as catching them. If you want to have them mounted now days chances are the taxidermist won’t even use the real fish. As to the quality of a fiberglass mount, it all depends on the “artist” painting it. Besides all that the big ones are not all that good to eat, not as tasty as a 2-3 pounder.


    I would love to have him mounted. All the extra money is going to Horses and the truck. It was a good fight he was a lot of fun. I didnt know they dont even use the real fish that sucks.

  2. Our digital scale 15.4 so. I dont know. I caught him on a buzz bait. No we let him go hes in the pond right behind the house so I know where hes at. I dive the pond from time to time to clean out the dam outlet and there are a couple in there that are bigger than that. Its spring fed and they get plenty to eat so no bigie.

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