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Everything posted by ssspringer

  1. Dang Bro..sounds scary!! Hope everythings better!! Keep us posted and good luck!!
  2. is finally returning to N.C., Last weekend in June!! ZMAX dragway,Charlotte!!!! I can't wait!!!!
  3. I watch the History Channel,Discovery ,and all that chit...I belive in exterristerial beings who have been here for thousands of years and i often wonder just how accurate the doomsday sayers are...but i think another big azz comet will probialy take us out as have happened in the past..or neuclear {?} war will do us all in!
  4. Welcome..i think you found the right place!
  5. Welcome!! Good luck with the set up.Now lets see some pics!!
  6. Well,i cant wait for the shiny thing in the box in the bed to find its home under the hood of your ride!!
  7. Welcome!! Looking foward to the pics!!
  8. Good job guys!! Looks great!! I'm a print shop supervisor and know good printing when i see it!!
  9. Yea .i know how that goes...looks like it's supposed to decent weather most of the day ,slight chance of rain late afternoon...the closer it gets the more excited i am about going..
  10. Anyone have any idea on the # of people confirmed or pretty sure of going?? I'm pretty sure i'm going.. I know it's hard to say...
  11. Well a little rain never hurt anyone....i think it's supposed to be later in the evening ....
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