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Posts posted by 1989k1500

  1. Its coming along pretty good, I think he is still waiting for the doors and bed though.


    The Chad got his 5.3l S-10 Blazer up and running yesterday and it sounds nice. He should be driving it by the weekend if all is ok.

    Oh the bed too, yea. Steve said it was pretty much just a cab right now. He said it looked cool though.


    Sweet, glad to hear he got the motor moved down without too much trouble. Maybe I'll give you a call tomorrow afternoon if your not busy.

  2. Can we get photos of this?

    Your braver than me if you try to take a picture of KS in her ass kciking boots, you may get your ass kicked as well. lol


    Sure Stewart, and if that does not work we will send PB in the SSS shirt.

    Its just a transmission TJ, dont stoop to that level.


    But speaking of Bunyon, hows his truck coming along? He gets the doors back tomorrow doesnt he?


    No photo is necessary or desired if PB is called into action.


  3. What a night that was. Nothing like drinkin til 6 AM with a small SSS Zippy4 shirt on. Zippy was awoken by a text from Dave(05 GTO) of me in the shirt. I talked to him yesterday and he said it was very disturbing.


    Post up them pics, I am hot stuff...

    If Mike thought the picture was bad he should have seen it in person. :eek:



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