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Posts posted by tonyrome

  1. I have another scenario


    mark is made fun of by the kids at school...


    1973: mark beats some of the kids up for the insults and it's over


    2006: mark comes to school with homemade bombs and fully automatic firearms and shoots up his school.


    I think kids are desensiticed (sp) by video games now and don't really think about killing and all that with the same consiquences they used too.  I am almost 19 so I know how that is,  there were two shooting at my school this year, a few stabbings and a few jumpings by baseball bats.  That would never happen 30 years ago.  I was stabbed in the arm a few months ago at a party as well so I know people use weapons.  The kid was a little shit that couldn't fight with his fists so he used a knife. He ended up getting it alot worse though once he lost the knife and my adrenaline was pumping.  My dad was a marine and he said the reason he thinks boot is easier now is because people don't have to really be brain washed to go and kill people now, video games and movies did it for the millitary.  Same reason marines don't have the same look in their eye now that they used too.

    i agree wit ya

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