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Everything posted by sleepingcrna

  1. Maybe you have a set and changed your mind about doing this yourself or know where i may be able to find a set at a REASONABLE price. Either way, let me know. Thanks
  2. Yeah me too. I pm'd the guy both sites and told him i wanted them and to get me paypal info. He tells me i'm first in line and gives me paypal info. I tell him i'll paypal in 20 minutes when i get home. Next thing i know, Brian moves in for the kill. Nice work Brian, you have a gift. Oh well, you know what they say, money talks......
  3. If someone could photoshop the power lines and blue car out, i think this one is tits....real nice angle. Gives it a real aggressive looking stance.
  4. Take your pick.....I like the interior one myself but the underhood is pretty impressive
  5. Yeah, he's the spell check Nazi. You didn't miss a thing Gary....just a little bit of work here and there on the SS for some of us, other activities for some other unmentionables.
  6. Must have been when you got back from your session with the back MASSAGER. I wonder if you'll have MORE or LESS requests now to stay at your place during the Nationals since you have been outed ?
  7. My last SS had these followed by magnaflow dual out the back, sorry shaun, no pun intended. I really liked the setup. It was a little loud and stock car-ish for my neighborhood, but sounded great. Might be just what you're looking for.
  8. It'll only go as far as your guilty conscience will let it go.........
  9. I'm in Kansas. I bought an SS in Ohio, a different one in New York, and yet another one in Cali that i had shipped to me. It's nice to find one locally, but don't limit your options when you might be able to find a great buy that fits your needs somewhere else. Part of the fun is finding the one, getting a one way ticket and driving it back home.
  10. You would know the spelling...and worse yet, you would have to turn this into a spelling bee. Kind of follows suit with your 'preferences'. Did i spell that right ? And you better start adding some jesters or this is gonna get ugly. I LOVE my truck !!
  11. Check your ' back messager ' drawer. You may find the answer in whats missing. Would explain why none of us could find Shaun for awhile.
  12. I guess this explains the ATTA BOY pat on the ass i got when you left yesterday. Now i'm glad you didn't stay longer. The least you could've done was get online and pick out some drapes for my living room. AMANDA.... I think i speak for all of us at your extended SilveradoSS family when i say that we support you and we're here for you. I would guess that the best thing to do is buy Shaun his own panties for Christmas and maybe this will pass. Maybe everyone else can chime in with some suggestions as to what you can do to get past this.......
  13. If you need someone to take that touring catback off your hands, i'm the guy to do it. Really, i'd buy it, but realistically, as mentioned above you shouldn't have any trouble trading out the muffler with someone that has a sport. If you don't want to keep it and can't find anyone to trade, let me know and we can try to work out a deal. I'm in the market for the touring exhaust very soon. Mike
  14. That blows Steve. If my setup doesn't work that well or turns out to be less than i had hoped for, i'm in for one of them. i know that doesn't help right now, but lets see how it shakes out in the end. Mike
  15. That's a pretty good story alex. Gotta say, after I bought yours and ran it a little, it felt pretty doggy. But that was after driving my old SS built to the nuts. I've heard enough about tundras to question how this SS will do, which is why I'm making some changes. Your SS just gave me a really well cared for/appearance modded truck to work with. Can't stand the thought of getting beat by a tundra, but honestly doesn't drive my decision to improve performance. I guess nice kill, but sounds like the guy u were running was a jackass anyway. Not saying you're not faster! Glad we both came out of thing happy with our trucks. Good to see you hangin around still.
  16. Thats pretty damn cool. Kind of how it went when i entered mine last minute just across the street in my local park this last spring, minus the thousands and thousands of dollars in upgrades and customizations. Nevertheless, its kind of fun to do things like that last minute, especially with that outcome. Congrats !! That's one incredible truck. Mike
  17. Looks great. Thats the one truck i'd trade my SS for in a heartbeat.
  18. I still have the glovebox. Lemme know what u think it's worth.
  19. Good info. I have to say I've learned a few things. Not going down to the metal is one of them. Asking questions and getting things in writing ahead of time is another. Can't find the damn receipt for payment and didn't have pics of before I took it back. But eye witnesses are plentiful and the fact that he took it back to redo the work proves there were flaws. I have lots of pics now and a new estimate the day after the blowup but I have a strong suspicion that I don't have enough of a leg to stand on in small claims. Gonna be gone now for a week so we'll see where this picks up when I get back. Thanks alot for your input, I was hoping someone would chime in with some experience and I appreciate everyones input.
  20. Look at the bright side, your wheels look awesome! I actually do like them. Kind of unique. Good luck on the shop search. Guess it's kind of a crapshoot all over. I got my new estimate today... From another hopefully reputable shop...$570. How do ya like that, over $1000 to paint a damn hood, and that's not even stripped to the metal.
  21. As far as I could tell, this place was as reputable as any other in the area. Just the way it turned out I guess. I've managed to calm down a bit over the past few hours but doesn't change the outcome. Still gonna go after this asswipe however I can. Anyway, it's over here guys. Thanks. Just had to vent.
  22. So i buy R8rs4lf SS awhile back. Hood has some paint issues so i take it to a local independent body shop after a few estimates. His comes in the best and i've used him for some paint-less dent repair in the past. His repaint of the hood comes in around $550. I say i'll get back to him. He says if you pay cash i'll do $450. I get it, off the books. I say ok. He wants it for 3 days. This turns into 5 days when i initially said if you need more than 3 i need a different time. I get it home and it has runs on the front edge of the hood and cowl edges, a few quarter sized spots that have discoloration and fine cracks in them, and lint in the final work. I take it back and he all "wow, i don't know what is causing the cracks, that's odd. The runs are just clear coat and can be fixed easily." Whatever. I say i don't think it's just a clear coat issue. He says, probably not. I'll take it to the metal. I take it in on a Tuesday for what he says is a 4 day job. I call on Thursday. He hasn't really done anything. Starts talking about how he is probably gonna have to strip to metal. NO SHIT !! which is where it was supposed to go the first time !! He says i'll get it done by Monday. I know this is long but i'm getting to the good part.....so i call twice a day until today (FRIDAY), with nothing but bullshit excuses and "i'll get back to you in a bit" lies and i'm really sorry, it shouldn't have taken this long and i sincerely apologize, its just that a lot of other work has been coming in. I call him today and say "what a colossal Fuggin mess this has turned into" when i find out he's got them trying to buff out the runs again, and he goes off the deep end call me a fukker and a son of a bitch, on and on and on. I tell him to get my SS out front i'm coming to get it. I get there and he has a few of his shop turds standing there with him and starts to go off on me again. I return the favor, go a few verbal rounds and they bring my SS around. I get home and the hood looks like shit. Same runs that were there before only sanded down to metal, an actual 4" line in the paint that looks like string under the paint, and more large lint than before. All this after he told me yesterday it was down to metal and needed paint. I'm not a big fan of litigation, but this is gonna go to small claims court. If not for money and lack of quality service, then for principle. Gonna get an estimate at a much more reputable place tomorrow. Get my ducks lined up. Just had to rant for a bit. Still pretty hot over it.
  23. Good luck Gary, keep us posted. If you make it back here and have a free weekend, lemme know. I like beer.
  24. That's good sheet ! Anybody out there have a nutswingin emoticon they can throw into this topic?
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