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Everything posted by sleepingcrna

  1. Shaun, i gave you a bad rep for having track night on my call weekend. You suck.
  2. Where do you live....it'll probably make a difference as to who responds. I have one but wouldn't be thrilled about shipping and i'm sure shipping them makes it a real pita pricewise also.
  3. For those that may not understand the humor in my statement, i am only kidding shaun. Please don't give me a negative rating on my reputation....i can't stand the thought of not being loved.
  4. That should be a -2. In your case it might be because you're a douchebag.
  5. Mine is a -1 also. Not sure that i care that much, except if i'm trying to sell something and someone else is looking at the reputation. How about a mod explain how you can have a neg rep and no explanation behind it or info on who gave it and why?
  6. South Dakota guy here too. Family in SF and RC. Too damn cold so I moved to Kansas. I Was curious about the southern comfort also. Looking for a bigger ride for the wife and kids. Wanting to trade the TBSS and found an 06 suburban decked out with the SC trim. It was pretty nice. Welcome and have fun with the mods. Do u have stock headers/exhaust?
  7. I'd love to....just bad timing. Always seems like there are more local/regional people that you see every now and then on here but maybe don't check often enough to get the word. who knows..
  8. Pruss...out. Someones gotta work. Have fun D-bags.
  9. The family is growing...the TBSS isn't big enough for the wife, kids and I. I could really use a setup like that. Nice ride.
  10. And that website is.......................
  11. wheels look great. Cant wait to get the corsa myself.
  12. Anyone wanna meet Gary and I pm me a cell number. I'll check frequently on the way. We're gonna stop at cabellas and gun shop before shauns. Plan shauns around 2 ish. For those that can't make it we'll catch u again soon and drink in your honor while there. Shaun, probably count me in to stay the night.
  13. So we have to clean our trucks now? WTF Mine will be pretty clean.
  14. So we have to clean our trucks now? WTF Mine will be pretty clean.
  15. Burgers Or brats good with me. With what I bring shouldn't need alot more.
  16. I've got the bacon wrapped ribeye bites, bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos and guac dip ready to go. Is there anything else you need Shaun, besides more bacon? and besides beer and crown? and more money after all the coin you blew through this past week?
  17. Somehow I think Shaun will come thru with that Brian. Btw, SS is lookin TITS. You better figure out some more go-fast stuff. Shaun makin it sound like he bought a rocket to strap to big red. Wish u and ur truck could make this. But there's always nationals which is comin together well it looks like.
  18. Any others from Kansas wanna meet up for the run to Shauns in KC? Gotta be some more out there that don't work like me and Gary !! Any luck on the cutout of Brian ???
  19. Welcome. Start searching ! More info than time on this site. Lots of shit to learn from a lot of people who are very knowledgeable about these trucks.
  20. Yo!! Welcome to the site since '04 !!
  21. I had same situation/setup but one di/do magna. I used sound deadener/dampener on floor and doors. Did not do ceiling. Made some difference but not enough and was time consuming and expensive. Good for sound system but not to cure exhaust issues. You can try lots of small changes but may wanna rethink the setup. My current setup is stock except for a flowmaster squeezed in. I hate flowmaster but it sounds perfect believe it or not. Good sound and no drone. When I go FI again and add LT's I may try to keep the rest stock and add cutouts to dump when I need a sound fix. Not sure what the answer is. Good luck and keep us posted.
  22. Not sure how Shaun feels about us bringing kids and stuff, but my family may be coming to KC to get some shopping done, ie. stopping by Shauns as well. I have a 5 month old also. Maybe mine and yours can get together and drool and shit themselves. Be like old times for Shaun and Brian.
  23. I'll plan on bringing some stuff Shaun. Probably bring some bacon wrapped steak bites to grill as well as some stuffed jalapenos. Maybe bring extra bacon to grill bacon wrapped bacon. That cool?
  24. Hopefully some local guys (manhattan) will see this and kick it around.
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