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Everything posted by jaymoney

  1. Thats pretty funny. How about the 1 when the OBGYN says to the lady Oh what a hole? what a hole? and she says you didnt have to say it twice and he says i didnt the second was an echo.
  2. Good luck dude your gonna need it. Ive been married for all most 8 years so thats 1 foot in the grave now you need a couple of kids so you can get all the way in. J/K when its good its good but when its bad its bad.
  3. Man what ever you do dont listen to any body that goes by 1st dodge or Mopar guy. That will tell you right there they arent playin with a full deck. Each to there own. Opions are like assholes every 1 has 1. Dont get rid of the SS for a gas eater that isnt that much faster than the SS and it doesnt look as good either. You will regret it.
  4. Nice Tim truck looks sweet. How far is the track from your house. When i move to lake butler i would like to meet you over at the track. I havent ever run mine i would like to see what it can do. Jason
  5. Thats the way to do it keep spankin those dodges maybe they will learn sooner or later dont mess with the sweet times
  6. 03 with 18500 I bought it with 14000 a year and 3 months ago.
  7. jaymoney


    Idont care what they do it doesnt really matter you still have a piece of sh#t . rules.
  8. No i dont think so thats supposed to start in the 08 line if im not mistaken.
  9. Sweet times Taw maybe when i get up that way we can take my truck to the track. I have never ran it at the track. Dont have any idea what it will do. With the basic mods that it has it feels pretty quick. Lookin forward to getting up that way. Jason
  10. jaymoney

    E55 AMG

    Thats why you buy autos
  11. I have a hypertech but will be getting a PCM4less tune. I heard thats the way to go.
  12. Hay Jac what do your rims look like. I also want to get rid of my Stockers
  13. If he wants to wait until theres a lite rai Ill run em. That way he cant use all those horses and my AWD will make up the diffrence. But as for takin it to him not moded enough yet. Pacesetters are sittin the the living room waiting on cats and a tune.
  14. I got my pacesetters today. Should i go with the 02 sensors and converters or go without. Please let me know what you have done and benefits of both. I would appreciate the help. I want to start the project this weekend. Thanks in advance Jason.
  15. Thats funny sounds like me id rather be deer hunting than anything else.
  16. I bet that guy felt like That is some funny stuff
  17. Where can i have 1 of those installed
  18. Thanks Krambo like i said i want something that doesnt leak i like to work on my truck but if i can do it right the first time why do it a 2.
  19. I have a 2.5inch dual in out on mine i love it. Pace setters are on there way should be here in acouple of days. I have a plan like benkey said cant wait to hear it a drive it.
  20. Iwant some blow proof gaskets can you guys tell me the best ones to buy. I want to do this write the first time. I appreciate the help.
  21. Personally i would keep what ya got it looks pretty sweet to me.
  22. I know im not the richest guy here i dont care if gas goes to 5 bucks a gallon im keepin the ss good luck with the new ride tho.
  23. Chase that was a sweet ass video i like it SS looks really good keep up the good times and videos.Jason
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